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How do you think Donald Trump feels now that the majority of Americans told him "YOU'RE FIRED'?

I bet he feels sad. Old. Defeated. Not something Donald Trump is used to feeling. There’s still some fight in him, but very little. Don’t forget, this is an obese 74-year-old man we’re talking about. Maybe it hits him today. Maybe he feels it more than ever before. His age. His own mortality.

He lost his brother Robert a few months before the elections. His younger brother, that is. His older brother, Fred, already died decades ago. Trump’s world is getting smaller and smaller. Does he have a heart, is he not a man? I think he is. We forget it sometimes. Made him up to be a monster. He’s more of a buffoon, jester to his own court. And now he’s lost that court.

Donald J. Trump is an old and defeated man. He’s unhealthy. May well be in legal trouble soon. His oldest and sons and daughter are also potentially at risk, being his advisors and having had all sorts of security clearances and holding positions within the more shadowy side of his government. I bet he’s worried. Nervous. Concerned. Beaten down. He still has ten grandchildren that I’m sure he loves and that I’m sure love him. Will he be able to still see them in his mansions, on his golf courses, or will they see him behind bars?

It’s tiresome, having to project strength for as long as you’ve been alive. First to please your parents, then to get ladies, con people, eventually to bind voters to you. It becomes second nature. You’re the top dog. Mr. Alpha Male. And then it all comes crumbling down. Like Icarus, you flew too close to the sun.

You can claim fraud. Say you were cheated out of your victory. Knowing Donald Trump, that will be his story. It will continue to be his story. Perhaps until his dying day. But how does he feel right now? Deflated. Exposed. Worried.

So i decided to follow the elections. I felt the polls were absolutely wrong. I went by History. I simply could not believe this Simple Stuttering Man of 77 would be able to defeat the Loudmouth, Brazen, Demagogue with a massive machinery behind him. I thought maybe a younger man …

I thought Coronavirus would make an impact - but this is Donald Trump. He has defied all the odds. Rape Allegations, Tax Allegations, Bankruptcies etc etc. My son changed his profile to have a picture of Kamala Harris photographed with him and i joked with him that No way would Trump lose.

Some Quorans told me I was wrong. One astute person wrote in his comments - about How Biden could defeat Trump (When everyone else was agreeing with me).

On Election Day - i was chuckling when Trump was having huge advantages. It was 4th November and i had had a $ 100 Bet with my son that Trump would be re-elected. Both my sons bet me $ 500 for $ 100 that Biden would be President elected (They both of course confirmed that after that Trump could refuse to go etc)

And then i saw Biden walk out and talk about Keeping the Faith.

It was a simple speech that spoke volumes and suddenly i wanted this old senile man to win. He had something i had last seen in the year 2004 - something that Atal Ji one of my favorite politicians had - Dignity and a Quiet Presence.

This was someone who could bring back the respect that the US Presidency had lost in the last 4 years under Trump or even the previous 8 under Obama.

And a little while later i saw Donald Trump declare a Victory. He called a Fraud and he was leading. That moment i did not care about losing $ 200 - i Just wanted this man gone. I could see the Devil in him. As his sons, Rudy Giuliani went about from State to State creating different nuisances in each state (Four different allegations in four states where he was losing) - i saw them as agents of satan.

I wanted Trump to Lose badly

It took 3 more days but finally the elections were called. 279:227 final count with Georgia to go and North Carolina to go is not a bad fight but i was relieved at the end of it all.

My sons were actually happier than i had thought possible. They are not even citizens. In these COVID times - my grandkids school is inviting the parents to celebrate (Imagine Vidya Mandir inviting students to celebrate AIADMKs victory in Tamil nadu).

The whole nation appears to be delighted. Even the Republicans are resigned

Its only the 25 Million Trump Voters and Trumps lackeys who are creating a problem.

I dont know what kind of president Joe Biden would become but he is a Good and Boring Man which would be perfect for that Devastated Nation.

Frankly - We in India also need such a Frank and Boring Man to bring our country to stability.

Image source Google

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