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How do you feel when you see foreigners eating your country's food incorrectly?

Not just foreigners, but locals, too!

Here in my home town of Ottawa, Canada, we have a particular regional pastry called a beaver tail (stylized as BeaverTail, because Ottawa has too many out of work programmers).

It is a fried piece of dough covered in various toppings.

File:Cinnamon and sugar BeaverTail.jp

You can get them with some very messy toppings too, like chocolate hazelnut spread:

Maple spread:

Or my personal favourite, cream cheese icing, Skor bits and caramel sauce:

Products | BeaverTails

So, how do you eat this thing incorrectly? Well, the uninitiated tend to attack this wonder food like a slice of pizza: Start at one end and work your way to the other.

Here's Why You Need BeaverTails In Your Life - No Home Just Roam.

Grand Opening of Sault Ste. Marie's BeaverTails! (2019-06-15)

The problem is, you end up wearing most of the toppings on your Insta-worthy face.

Beaver Tails

How do you eat a BeaverTail properly? Like a slice of pizza: Fold it in half the long way, and get to work.


I should also point out that a lot of tourists make the mistake of eating BeaverTails in the summer months. BeaverTails are strictly a fall/winter food! Snarfing down a Killaloe Sunrise in 30°C heat after jogging the kids around the Canadian Museum of Nature — with nothing to drink but a Timmy’s — is a good way to lose your poutine.

Four Canadian references in one sentence!

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