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What do you think about traveling during this covid19 situation?

I am in batter position to explain it. Becase I am a frequent traveler. Personally, I believe that we should follow the government and state guidelines and travel accordingly. While in March, April, and May, we were in lockdown phase so traveling a big No-no, the same is not true now.

Currently, the states are opening for tourism so if you feel you want to travel and are responsible and careful while traveling, it's okay. Chances of you catching Covid19 at home or in another state are almost the same. I know people who have been COVID19 positive while staying at home the entire time and people who went out for work daily and never caught it.

Moreover, we don't know how effective the vaccine is going to be because there hasn't been proper research on it. So, waiting around for vaccine, which may or may not really make us immune to the virus doesn't really seem like an ideal option.

Plus, I feel there are lots of diseases that is killing people in India every year. If you google, you will find that every year, around 400k–450k people die from TB. So, death is kinda all around us. The smart thing to do would be to take all the necessary precautions and then go out.

So, I believe that it's up to every individuals. You want to travel, you travel but be safe and careful. You don't want to travel, then don't. Important thing is to wear masks, practice social distancing and taking every other precaution. Honestly, if you aren't traveling but you blatantly ignore the precautions, you aren't really doing good to anyone anyway.

That's anyway my opinion. I am not an expert on this but after thinking for a long time and weighing both pros and cons, this is how I feel. 

Thanks for Reading 🙏

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