I learned this during a very stressful situation.
Dating back over 4,000 years this simple ancient habit has changed my work days…
I was reviewing a very detailed contract for a new construction building. The meeting went much longer than expected. We were past 3 hours and we couldn't finish with our goals. Stress was taking over the room as everyone was getting more and more anxious.
I remember one top executive of the engineering firm excused himself about every 45 minutes and walked out of the meeting room……
5 or 6 minutes later he would walk in and be totally fresh and sharp. His mood was relaxed and I could sense he was free from stress and with new energy…
We finally got past that long meeting. I was completely depleted of energy. I felt like I just finished running a full marathon, yet this guy was fresh and ready to go for the next round…
“Excuse me…” I asked…
“I’m curious… what is it that you do every time you walk out of the meeting room? I can clearly see how refreshed you are right after you drink whatever you're drinking.” I said.
“Drinking ?” He laughed out loud, “No! I'm not drinking anything… I do some simple and quick exercises combined with deep breathing.”“That's it?” I asked amazed… “but, what is it? Could you please share your secrets?”
“Qigong exercises” he said.“Qi-what?”
My mind just couldn't get it. I had no energy left in me. “Q-I-G-O-N-G” he added.
He immediately started jumping in his place. Breathing heavily inhale with his nose exhaled through his mouth. Small little jumps while swinging his arms back and forth.
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He had a huge smile full of energy on his face.
He then stopped jumping and started swinging his body to the left and to the right while his arms were swinging like an ape…
He then raised his right knee and started balancing on one foot while slowly punching this leg with his hands… a balancing act… then, the next knee and did the same.
He balanced forward and started punching his back while he continued breathing heavily.

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He raised his right arm 90 degrees and with his left hand he would be punching the full length of the arm.

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He continued breathing heavily for a few more seconds while slightly bumping on his feet and then he stopped still breathing heavily.
“That's my secret!” He said.
“That's it?” I asked with amazement.
“Yes! I do these exercises several times during the day… it takes me a few seconds to do them and make a huge difference in my day. Specially when I'm sitting for a long time. I always have a bottle of water with me. Hydrating the brain is huge. Always drink water!” He explained.
The impact of this guy was so profound that I decided to try it.
It works! Try it! You will be amazed!
Qi-gong are English words for two Chinese characters: qì (氣) and gōng (功).
Qi (or chi) is often translated as life energy,[1] referring to energy circulating through the body; Gong (or kung) is often translated as cultivation or work… similar as Kung-Fu. [4]
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