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                     USA SWAG

I think its fairly clear that the issue here is not due to more testing though.  After declining deaths nationally for nearly two months, deaths have been rising for the past month.  Its dangerous to simply write off the increase in confirmed cases as due to "big testing".
Ignoring the fact that the test is inaccurate and can result in positives after recovery (which would increase positive results), it wasn't who was most likely to be positive but who had to be hospitalized for severe symptoms. Consider it was a flu season when this started and...
Cases are up because more people are getting sick not because of “big testing.” Otherwise, the positivity rate would not be this high, which mathematically proves that more testing is not artificially inflating the case numbers since the percentage of tests coming back is higher.
Opening the schools must be a local decision so that areas which do not have a coronavirus outbreak and have measures in place to protect students can perhaps re-open whereas places like Texas and Florida should not do so in the middle of a huge flare up in cases. Common sense. I feel like this isn't entirely true as you cant compare higher positivity rate without 💯 % of people being tested. If you only get tested when you feel sick enough to do something about it logically the positivity would go up as testing is more widely accessible. 
Testing is easier to get now where in the past you had to have more severe symptoms so you would expect the positivity rate to come down. California got to 7.5% last week (thankfully coming back down now) but it was less than 5% in June. Thats valid in most cases I'm sure. My point is simply it would be impossible to claim that an increase is 100% due to more sickness unless we had across the board testing AND a reliable test. The test we have is shit and can be off by 30%. Trump and this doctor are both wrong. Despite more knowledge of how the virus spreads and some potential drugs to help (remdesivr and hcq) deaths have been rising over the past few weeks.  Hospitalizations are also up in many states. I'd say those say those mean more than the positivity rate anyway. I think its fairly clear that the issue here is not due to more testing though.  After declining deaths nationally for nearly two months, deaths have been rising for the past month.  Its dangerous to simply write off the increase in confirmed cases as due to "big testing". Cases are going up because thousands came out to protest 
That's just the simple truth, if we remove politics aside, a week before the protest, USA was recording 10-15,000 daily.. But immediately the protest started, the number went to 53,000 but you all chose not to care. No matter how much you gaslight us you can’t change the fact that 160,000 Americans died on your watch while you claimed we would have 0 cases 4 months ago.  You failed America.  Trump is a failure.

Thanks for Reading 🙏

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