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Trupm's obsession with polls highlights

   Trupm's obsession with polls highlights

Trump’s obsession with polls highlights his paranoia, his fragile ego, his gigantic inferiority complex and the awareness of his own ineptitude, incompetence and limited intelligence. It exposes Trump’s fear of being incarcerated for the crimes he committed against America. According to a clinical psychologist familiar with the family says he is a narcissistic sociopath with daddy issues. Personally I think it’s the mini strokes he had last November when he was taken to Walter Reed. You know when they did the cognitive exam. DELUSIONAL
Live with it means die for it? How can America live with a virus what is ignored by his president. The only outcome will be die for your president? It’s unbelievable how the cult still not seeing what’s happening right under their nose.
Trump is behind in literally every single national poll there is. And not just by 1-2 points but by 5-10. Biden will win the popular vote there is no question. The election will be decided by a few battleground states & thus far Biden is leading in most of them too. SENATE INTEL REPORT:
What happened in 2016 should be an alarm bell for the nation, and for those preparing to defend the nation against current and evolving threats targeting the upcoming U.S. elections. 
Russia is actively interfering again in the 2020 to assist Trump..
You also think:
- windmills cause cancer
- hurricanes should be nuked
- injecting bleach is a good idea
- BABIES IN CAGES is acceptable
- 176,000 deaths are acceptable
- COVID-19 is just "going away"
- you have a very good brain
- Nazis are very fine people
- He didn't ACTUALLY say to inject bleach, media took that out if context.
- Obama STARTED the babies in cages
- "It is what it is" doesn't mean "this is okay." It's called being realistic and not letting that hinder progress.
- He doesn't think it's going away. Live with it. - he said inject disinfectant
- Obama did have those “cages” built- to hold unaccompanied minors for a few days. He didn’t separate families.
- trump has repeatedly said COVID will just go away. He’s been saying it since February. It has not gone away. 1) The injection thing was about something to do with UV or light.
2) Disinfectant doesn't always mean bleach or toxic substances. There are healthy ways to heal shit and remove problems as well. There was some lost context here.
Trump saying these things is a prime example of the dumbest person in the room thinking he’s the smartest. This is better than “Not many people know Lincoln was a Republican” and “Who knew health care was so complicated”and “He’s not a war hero” and “If Ivanka were my daughter...
After talking about putting UV light into the body (as if that’s not stupid enough) his exact quote on April 24th is, “Then I see the disinfectant that knocks it out in a minute and is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost like a cleaning”.
He said literally: it will disappear once. Eventually I will be right. It will disappear. So don’t try to fix his incapacity to occur a policy what is effective to beat the corona virus. He simply failed.

Thanks for Reading 🙏

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