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The top 3 exercises for insane grip strength

6 Exercises for Incredible Grip Strength

1. Pinch Grip Plate Holds

How to Do It: This exercise trains the ability to hold onto something for extended period of time. Place a 10lb-plate (or heavier for more advanced athletes) flat on the ground. Keep a bench or box nearby. If the plate is able to stand on it’s own, have it stand up. Grab the plate with right hand using just your fingers, so without wrapping your thumb around the plate. This means the thumb is one on side of the plate and the other four fingers are on the other side. Stand straight up with the plate so it’s at your side. Pause for 5 seconds then place the plate on the bench/box. Repeat for 5–10 reps. To increase difficulty, pinch two plates, hold one plate for longer (30 seconds), or do a snatch with the weight and hold it above your head with arm extended.

2. Resisted Hand Opening

How to Do It: Touch all of the fingertips together so thumb is touching the tip of the other four fingers. Place a rubber band around the DIP joint (the bendy part of your finger closest to the fingernail). Push fingers against the band until the hand is open, as if you were giving someone a high five. Bring fingers back together.

This exercise trains the forearm extensors and finger joints which are essential to opening and closing the hand, which when strengthened, allow you to actually grab things faster and with more force. So, it’s less about holding onto something and more about gripping it correctly in the first place.

3. Reverse Barbell Wrist Curl

How to Do it: This exercise is solely to increase muscular endurance of the forearms muscles which should transfer into the ability to perform the aforementioned Spartan obstacles. Hold a barbell with an overhand grip behind you, so it’s 2–3 inches away from your lower back. While keeping an upright posture, let the barbell roll onto your fingertips then while keeping arms straight (not bending them). Next, make a fist and contract the forearms to grip the bar again with a closed grip. That’s one rep. Do this exercise slowly and be sure to not use momentum by shrugging the shoulders or swinging the body forward. Do this close to a barbell rack so you can safely place the bar back when you’re done.

4. Fat Gripz Dumbbell Curl

How to Do It: You can use a Fat Gripz, Harbinger Big Grip or any branded rubber tool that adds thickness to a barbell or dumbbell or this exercise. These grip-enhancing tools can be used for a variety of strength training exercises but using the Fat Gripz on a dumbbell curl emphasizes the importance of biceps and forearms strength for Spartan Race.

Place one Fat Gripz over the handle of each dumbbell and hold each dumbbell using a supinated (palms facing forward) grip. Standing with feet shoulder-width apart and shoulders back, curl the dumbbells to chin height, keeping the wrists flat and palms up the entire time. Return hands to starting position.

5. Dead Hang

How to Do It: Grip a pullup bar or any sturdy overhead structure with a pronated (overhand grip). Slightly elevate the scapula to engage your core and activate the back muscles. Hang from the bar as long as possible. Aim for 15 seconds, then 30, 45, and 60 seconds. Once you’re able to hang for 60 seconds, you can get creative and move your hands horizontally during the hang, traversing from side to side on the bar.

6. Dumbbell Farmer’s Walk With Towel

How to Do It: This exercise requires two small towels (For example: 14 inches wide and 22 inches in length). Loop one towel around the handle of each dumbbell and hold onto the end of each towel while standing upright with shoulders back. Walk 25–50 yards around your gym floor or outdoors. You can also use weight plates for this exercise. If the plate has more than one opening, such as a top and middle hole, loop the towel through the top opening and hold onto it from there.

These 5 steps reveal the things you absolutely MUST AVOID if you want to look younger, to boost your immunity, reclaim your health, and achieve your ideal bod.

Image source Google

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