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                TAX CUT

While millions are still unemployed as a result of the coronavirus and unemployment rate is sky high. 
What a joke
Working men and women don't give a crap about the stock market. 

What are u doing for evictions, stimulus help, Nat Testing program, Nat Action Plan to address Covid. An Action Plan on how to attack it?  
Ya u got nothing. I made 90k from the stock market while working minimum wage part time hours in school. Total income was just about 20k. Do the math, only idiots don’t care about the stock market. AMERICA'S DEBT

"When Trump took office in January 2017, the debt was at $19.9 trillion. As of July 27, according to the most recently available data, that number has grown to $26.5 trillion, Treasury Direct, a division of the Treasury Department, said." I'm sure the families of 162,000 dead Americans are happy about this. I'm sure the 5 million infected Americans are happy about this. I'm sure the 30 million+ unemployed Americans are happy about this. I'm sure the 40 million Americans about to be evicted are happy about this. Trump dismantled PREDICT. Trump defunded USAID. Trump fired our CDC personnel in China.
All those people he didn't like "standing around" that "could be gotten back very quickly" should have been at post protecting us from the ONLY existential threat to this country. A pandemic. I fear nothing  not a damn thing but our government,they have the power to tax you out of a home i watched them do it to my sick parents  paid off home taxes went from $500 a year  for a home in the woods no water no trash no cops..taxes went to 5k a year killed them with sadness.

Thank you, PRESIDENT TRUMP! Because of you, the US economy will come roaring back and will be even stronger than before! Americans believe in you, trust you and stand with you! God Bless you and God Bless this magnificent country we are so blessed to call ours! 🇺🇸

Mrs.Harris Congratulations, you are going to make a wonderful VP.With your past experience, I am certain that you will fix B.Barrs shenanigans and Donald Trumps screwups. There are a lot of nervous people in DC tonight, Lying Donald being the most.I am really looking forward vote.

How long has it been since you’ve been to a public school? They are under funded and way over populated. When I was in school there where 30 kids per room minimum how are you going to social distance in there.

Most classrooms have it to where desk are spread apart especially for big test where they are spread apart a lot. For lunch, some schools are having lunch outside. Some schools are also having p.e outside. There are some schools that kids will have to carry their backpack.

If it’s raining Have them spread out in the gym or spread out in the hallways, have them spread out in the library, have them spread out in the classroom, or spread them out in the cafeteria. There are ways to spread people apart for lunch and gym if it’s raining.

Well since a lot of people are letting their kids do online. Classroom sizes are gonna be smaller. I was explaining to him what to do with kids during bad weather during lunch or p.e. Cause not all kids have lunch or p.e at the same times so it’s very easy to spread them apart.

I have volunteered in my kids classes since they started school. I have seen first hand what many classrooms look like in normal settings. I can attest to the lack of space to accommodate these children while respecting social distancing. They already stagger classes.

In high school it’s a mess. All classes let out at the same which creates incredibly over crowded hall ways. Then you go and touch the same desk someone was at for an hour. It’s a serious problem.

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