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Religious Beliefs and USA

         Religious Beliefs and USA

Not in those exact words no.  But it clearly states the the government can’t make laws for of against any religion. Pretty much the same thing. So keep “your” religion out of the government.
They are not forced to worship anyone, but this country was built from God. So yes seeing something you're country was built from disappear is a little unsettling.And to think we didn't have to make this a free country, we didn't have to let foreigners but we did.
True. But at the same time, this country was founded on Judeo-Christian values, so those values should be used as a framework for our laws. In other words, our laws shouldn't exceed the scope of those principles. Therefore, things like homosexual marriage shouldn't be legalized.
Wrong. That is not Christ like....slavery was ok for our founding fathers...BUT name a slave of Jesus....Jesus came and died for ALL...not a select few.
The founding fathers were not perfect. In fact, they warped Christianity to be accepting of things like slavery and were hypocrites of the highest order. But, being against homosexuality and homosexual marriage is definitely Christ like.
We all know that there are many many kinds of sins...everyone has a burden to carry...For ALL have come short of the glory of God....gossip, lying, cheating, stealing, killing, bearing false witness... pride etc...No one knows anothers heart...but God......
I agree, but should we promote and accept sin? Christians are supposed to stand against sin and repent. You can't lead others to Christ and not alert them to their sins or how God feels about them. We don't accept gossip, lying, cheating, etc, so why accept homosexuality?
So what you are telling me is that Muslim Americans should be forced to worship the interpretation of a God that they don't believe in?  Is that what you're telling me?
The Separation of Church and State are a real thing.  The word "God" wasn't added to the Pledge of Allegiance until 1953, and when it was the family of the original writer of the pledge condemned it.
The separation of Church and State doesn't mean that we completely omit God from our government. It comes from the establishment clause in the Constitution, which prevents the government from creating a law that favors or discriminates against any specific religious institution.
By that logic we should be saying one nation under god, Buddha, allah, shiva, Odin, or miscellaneous, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.
It then stands to reason that all religions are welcome, no matter what or who they worship. This means you can have a god in your life, but your god cannot dictate laws followed by those who don't worship your god. Only the law of the people can bind the people of this country.
I believe homosexuals should have rights and be treated with dignity and respect as human beings, but we shouldn't redefine what God defined. 
Absolutely correct ! It is also why the Constitution does not specifically mention God. The Founders' had already thought of that. As a Christian, I resented the addition of “under God” to that Pledge when it was added. Some people have no idea that it was added to confront what we called back then “godless communism.” A foolish move against a foolish ideology.

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