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Real Face of Donald Trump

        Real Face of Donald Trump

Trump is trailing Biden in Texas, Florida, Pennsylvania, Georgia, North Carolina, Michigan and Ohio.  If the election were today it would be one of the greatest victories in history for JOE BIDEN.
I like how you mention it’d be his greatest victory, only took him 40 years of doing jack shit in politics to measle his way into the panicking democrats.Trump's own mind. That is the source of the mythical "96%" GOP approval rating which he tweets weekly! It's truly embarrassing that he does this despite knowing it's so easy to refute.Seriously though this is his source lol he sends this poll to people who sign up for his mailing lists.... hard to have below 96% when there isn’t an option for it. Lol...you go, Paul. I just had another hard look at South Carolina and Georgia. @realDonaldTrump is toast. All the blustering, misrepresentation, lying, and doing his best to make Dems and Pubs mortal enemies has backfired. Now how to get him out of the building after the loss...
Thank You President Trump for being a tireless worker for the betterment of all US citizens, we owe you a great debt, and I know you are just beginning. God bless you for the work you are doing.“MALIGNANT NARCISSISM is a severe mental sickness representing the quintessence of evil. The most severe pathology and root of the most vicious destructiveness and inhumanity. It is highlighted as a key area in the study of mass murder, and serial murder”
Trump continues to a make a fool of himself.
Each day more fodder for attack ads.
He hasn't got a clue. He just rambles about any thought bubble that comes into his head.
Each and every day he doesn't gain a single vote, each day he loses more & more.Republicans always stood for strong leadership, fiscal responsibility, and getting things done in Washington. Donald Trump fails on all these fronts, Leasa feels its time to vote for Joe Biden.
"I'm heartbroken that this is what our country has become."  Cant believe it isn't higher!  You work so hard despite unbelievable resistance. You are an inspiration.  Have a goal, stick to it, fight and never give up. Thank you, I can see you on Mt. Rushmore. You don't get up there unless you overcome major opposition/enemies. There is no place suitable on mount rushmore to put another head.  Why do you think Teddy Roosevelt is so far back compared to the others?   Also, Rushmore was never even finished in the first place.
😅😂😄 A dozen polls say you’re approval is in the 40-45% range, and down to as much as 17 points!!!! Only one poll, Rasmussen, which is run by Republicans, says you are up by a measly 2 points to 50%. Hey Man, you can’t win in November with figures like these!!!!

Thanks for Reading 🙏😊

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