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Meghan Markle creating tensions in the royal Family

Meghan came into the BRF with a very questionable motives and intentions. Her planning and scheming was spot on. She was dating Cory at that time in 2017. Cory is the well known chef who happens to have friends that are famous and A-listers.

Cory Vitolle snd MeAgain.

So, she played the perfect girl friend and accompanied him in many functions and events to get exposure to the popular people who are the mover and shakers in Hollywood but nothing happened.

MeAgain and Henrietta.

You see MeAgain is a wannabe Actress who is already pushing forty at this point and yet she still had no breakout role to be recognized in mainstream and she haven’t really found the fame despite renovating her face so many times. She is very obsessed to be world famous. A quick background about MeAgain. She was in Hollywood but is only a bit part actress and a Supporting character in a minor cable TV called Suits.

MeAgain and Henrietta.

So finally MeAgain met her prey Prince Harry at that time but is now better known as Henrietta. They met dated for a few, got engaged, got married worth $45 million and to think both of them claimed they are very connected to people’s suffering and so on and so forth.

On their wedding day.

After the Magically Circus of a wedding. A lot of reports are coming out that MeAgain is a very demanding Diva. Sending texts at 5am not considering which country she was on. Soon it was an exodus of staff working for them who resigned and quit. They can seem to keep a staff. Then news of her horrible attitude towards the staff are fodder for the news. Let me tell you what she had done to alienate the staff and the rest of BRF.

  1. Without conscience whatsoever she spent a total of £1 million of expensive designer clothes that doesn’t fit her. In her first year alone.
  2. First day with HMTQ to an event she came without a hat when she was told in advance it was a formal activity. Her hair was like a cv Medusa in all its glory. After the engagement she walked ahead of HMTQ and took flowers that was not for her and also went to the car first.
  3. She was told of all the protocols, standards, expectations but she never really listened or heed the advice she just went on her merry way.
  4. The “ Pregnancy debackle” the inflating and deflating of her belly. Squatting with difficulty while wearing high heels. I wonder if Archie’s head got deflated everytime she squats and gets up. The secrecy of birth with no witnesses. She blamed BRF during her vulnerable time while pregnant.
  5. The pity trip to South Africa.
  6. Misbehavior in Australia at the Prime Minister’s staff by throwing the tea to the server.
  7. The very dramatic stepping down as a Senior Royals for financial independence.

MeAgain trying to engage HMTQ.

More hand gesticulations from MeAgain, HMTQ totally ignoring her.

HMTQ Elizabeth II and MeAgain outing.

There are a lot more things but we will not repeat it. She knows the Firm is a prestigious 1000 years plus organization. She likes the freebies free trips, shopping galore but she hates mingling with people. She always push Henrietta aside so she can shake their hands when the people came not for her but for the Prince.

MeAgain found the camera. Henrietta not amused.

Told to look ahead.

MeAgain getting upset.

When she didn’t get her way and didn’t like the criticism she is getting. She dragged Henrietta from Canada and before the lockdown they flew again to California yey!

MeAgain’s covetous looks at William.

Fab Four no more

She has been making speeches left and right with plagiarized speeches and she always has cheap shots to the BRF like the HMTQ doesn’t have a legal claim to the word Royal.

Prince William and his babykins.

The latest was encouraging all the Commonwealth countries to practically raise a arm and ask for apology from the BRF. She never intended to stay in the family because she never made a concentrated effort to learn everything about how the BRF works. She quit immediately less than 2 years with the firm.

William enjoying fatherhood.

Playing rough house with his kids.

She is so insanely jealous of Duchess Catherine as she is now revered and loved. But Catherine suffered multiple humiliation before and after she married Prince William but she persevered and really took effort on how to assimilate and fit in. Catherine never chased popularity and he World famous but she became one anyway. This is what MeAgain doesn’t understand. You can never force people to love you. You have to actually do things to endear yourself to anyone. No fakery involved.

The Monarchy is safe with these two.

She is so attracted to Prince William it is so scandalous and embarrassing to see her try to look cute or sultry at William. But is basically ignored and it only projects her as an obvious coveting of someone else’s husband.

A loving Sister in-law and Brother in-law bonding.

MeAgain is an embarrassment due to her constant need to be the center of attention and the topic of conversation. She like dipping her hands into whatever is the new bandwagon.

The Royal Quiters.

Their need to always get involved into whatever is the fad. Her behavior only showing her instability and poor Henrietta is getting dragged along. When it gets though Henrietta will just conjure Diana’s card. It’s getting really redundant. They need to really search themselves on what they will do with their lives. It’s very reassuring to see that Prince William has stepped up and are now totally being groomed as the next Prince of Wales with his beautiful wife and children.They really need to step away from any media and concentrate their time and effort on Archie.

Pictures courtesy of Google

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