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Make America Great Again

        Make America Great Again

Seriously , I don’t align with any politicians but to blame your President for Corona pandemic.    How did Americans build such a nation. I’ve yet to see a positive contribution from most people on the thread. Always  blaming someone. The ability of a leader in desperate times is not in this man's ability.
Worse economy - worse GDP EVER
More deaths than WW1, Vietnam war, equal to any year deaths of Civil War
Most divisive President ever. I don't think you're patriotic, encouraging this.
It’s my ⚽️. I’m not playing anymore stuff
brah this is not the campaign slogan for someone who has spent the last three years turning America into a virulent pesthole of mass death, mass infection and mass unemployment, just saying.
He didn’t create the pandemic but he created the deadly situation in the US by ignoring, minimizing, saying it was a hoax, endorsing conspiracy theories and making the simplest form of protection, a mask, political and not wearing one a badge of Trumpian courage.That’s on him. Fir such an educated  1st world country your politics has slid into a dog eats dog scenario. Your politicians on either side of the spectrum are power hungry for the position and not for the benefit of its citizens. The opposition has a goal to distruct the ruling party.
We don’t blame him for the Pandemic, we blame him for his incompetent handling, do you realize there’s NEVER been a Federal plan? He could have mandated masks months ago and that alone would have saved thousands.
He didn’t cause it, but he most definitely IGNORED our governments warnings for four months when they warned him in November of 2019 that they had intercepted Chinese conversations about a deadly unknown virus doctors were treating & that 5 million people fled Wuhan.

Fir such an educated  1st world country your politics has slid into a dog eats dog scenario. Your politicians on either side of the spectrum are power hungry for the position and not for the benefit of its citizens. The opposition has a goal to distruct the ruling party.
You can't condemn someone for successful economics that improve employment for all races, then condemn him for shutting down the country to prevent "mass death" but which decimates employment. This is the reason why its tough to be a good leader, but easy to criticize one. You are a great comedian. That spoof interview you did with Jonathan Swan was hilarious. I hope you host the Oscar's now that Rick Gervais is no longer doing it.  
Best US comedian ever.
Mr Trump, take down CCP then can make America great again ! Don't give a second chance for CCP to release viruses again ! They will do ! I am your super fan's, you will win , but if more people dead, what is the meaning of win ? Please save the American and the world !
Donald Trump's catastrophic failure as President of the United States, combined with his attack on Democratic norms and institutions and the rampant corruption of the Trump Family, will be seen by historians as the lowest and most tragic period in the history of America.The American people have a decision to make in November.
President Trump has amply demonstrated he has the business skillset to get our economy roaring again!
We will prevail and move forward as a nation under the excellent leadership of President Trump!

Thanks for Reading 🙏

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