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lose weight without going to the gym

I am very much fitness Freek. At first glance I may look like a slim built person but certainly I am not!!! What keeps me alive this way is only my diet content. I wish somebody would have told me the importance of diet two years back. I have been working out (on and off )since college time to control my weight but with zero knowledge of my proper intake, so results were also zero. Exercise acts as catalyst when it comes to weight loss. It may speed up the process but never gives you the desired outcomes. What gives you result is DIET. I used to think diet is to starve yourself but actually diet is to keep yourself full but with healthy stuff.

I am happy since I know the Mantra and now I can play with my body weight. I would be happy to help if anybody is there like me who is not much content with their body.

Let me introduce with some of my diet essentials or you can say my survival weapons.

Use of skimmed milk or diet milk

Many brands are available in market but among all Amul is best with minimum percentage of fat. So you don't have to cut down on your dairy products. Whether you want to have tea, coffee, cereals ,curd anything use can use it for.

Sugar free

If I ever crave for tea or coffee, I use it since I just can't have it sugarless . Though it is not advisable to use sugarfree on daily basis. But it is a good option to cut down on your calories sometimes!!


This one I use it. Initially you may not like it but trust me eventually you will.

Brown Rice

Replace your white rice with brown rice.

Green Tea

Start investing a bit more in your green tea. Don't go for the cheapest one available in the market like Lipton green tea and all. I keep on experimenting with different better brands and I observe the difference and it is huge. It is really helpful in increasing your metabolism.

You can see my collection.


Use only extra virgin olive oil.


Firm and fit for breakfast . Plus takes no time to prepare but make sure to consume it with skimmed milk only.

Sometimes oats :)

But to make it taste good I add crumbled apple and orange with pieces of nuts.


I am not suggesting any particular protein but this is what I take and that depends if you work out or not. If you do then your body needs more protein. If I work out I take casein.

All time hunger knock out : Two slices of multigrain bread with peanut butter or can go for vegetable sandwich or bread omlette (for omellete I use one whole and two white eggs)

I always carry handful of nuts,peanuts or small pack of khakra or a fruit whenever I am out or travelling.


Most of the time I carry sprouts (brown chickpeas plus moong dal )with chopped veggies to office ,this is the only thing I can cook in morning but whenever I want to have a complete meal, I eat in office canteen.

Don't have a pic of my own cooked sprouts,so… :P

and yes I have got taste too but with better choice … :)

Fruits and Juices I have a fruit a day but not the same fruit daily.. I have apple ,kiwi, water melon, papaya or any other seasonal fruit depending on my taste buds. In juices pineapple and mosmi are considered best for weight loss. By mosmi I meant this

Quinoa The way you cook Poha, same way you can cook Quinoa. Healthy and quick snack.

I have many more things to tell which I adopted over a period of time but these all are enough to get started with.

Stay Healthy… :)

EDIT : People giving me advice on using extra virgin olive oil need to know that first of all they don't know what do I cook with this and secondly it is not given anywhere that you can't use EVOO in cooking, that depends what are you cooking. It can easily be used to make eggs, sprouts, Quinoa,vegetable Maggie, noodles or even to cook vegetables where we use only one or two tablespoon of oil. Yes! Smoke point of EVOO is less as comapred to any other oil but it is more than 160 or 170 degree Celsius which is more than sufficient to cook any of the above dishes. SO EVOO is not advisable for frying purpose since at high temperature its nutritional value tends to deteriorate So it makes no sense to pay extra. And moreover people don't prefer to use it for cooking because it's very pricey.

Thanks for Reading 🙏

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