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Healthiest oil I could use

To find the best healthy oil for Frying is subjective as there are many different views and different justifications

The main point to be noted is oxidative resistance and the oils which are lowest in polyunsaturates fats generally offers the highest heat stability.

Plants oil such as avocado, peanut, extra virgin oil displays the excellent oxidative stability.

Let us discuss in detail the healthiest oil for deep frying

There are many different choices of cooking oils are available in the market to cook. To choose the best oil for deep frying takes a great task. Lets look in to as many different oils available in the market to come to an idea which is best for deep frying.

  1. Avacado OIl-

thanks :- Google image


1. Avacado oil has more than 80% saturated and monosaturated fats, and it is heat stable. Studies proves that it is similar to olive at high heat but last for a slightly shorter time.

2. It has a mild and bland flavor so it will not impart flavours like strong coconut or olive oil.

Corns:- It is expensive than other oil.

Canola Oil ( Rapeseed oil )

It is Heart healthy oil due to its omega – 3 content


1. It has much better omega – 6 to omega – 3 ratio than most of the other vegetable oils.

2. It is cheap.

Corns :-

1. Most of the commercial canola oil goes through solvent extract process and since it is ultra processed and it has a little nutrional value.

2. It shows poor oxidative stability and using the oil at a high heat generates large number of polar compounds. Additionlly trans fat form in canola with exposure to heat

3.Coconut Oil

Pros –

1. Coconut oil has more than 92% of saturated fat and thus it gives the oil oxidative stability and studies shows that this oil shows excellent resistance to oxidation.

2. It provides a range of medium chain triglycerides (MCTs). This type of fat also occurs in human breast milk, and some studies suggest it may potentially have benefits for body composition, cognitive function and insulin sensitivity.


1. It sometime or most will leave its coconut flavor in the dish

Note:- Coconut Oil is an excellent oil for cooking, and it demonstrates consistent heat stability at high temperatures.

4.Corn Oil / maize oil

It comes from maize germ and it is a type of seed oil.


1. It is the cheapest available cooking oil


1. It is almost two – thirds of poly unsaturated fat, and this makes prone to oxidation.

2. Cooking with corn oil leads to the formation of small amount of trans fats.

Note:- It is very economical cooking oil but has in poly unsaturated fats and easily oxidizes at heat.

5. Cotton seed oil

Cotton seed oil has a long history and it is partially hydrogenated ( trans fat )



1. The price is very low

Corns :-

1. Like other seed oil , it also undergoes a solvent extraction process, and it is very high in omega -6, which is unstable at high heat.

2. Frying in cotton seed oil might generates significant amounts of polar compounds and oxidation products.

6. Extra Virgin Olive Oil

It is the healthiest oil in the world. There is a common train of thought that olive oil is excellent for salads but not saturates enough to use for cooking.


1. Although it is low in saturates fat , it contains only minimal amounts of poly unsaturated fats and it shows a reasonably high degree of oxidative resistance.

2. Recent studies have shown that this oil has outer performed all other oils including coconut oil . It also contained less polar compounds after heat exposure.

3. It has significant source of polyphenols which help to protect the oil against oxidation from heat , light and oxygen.


1. It is more expensive than any cooking oil in the markets. But it is the best.

Note:- This oil is a healthy cooking oil option. It displays excellent stability at high temperature.

7. Ghee

This is similar to butter but it does not have water, lactose and casein content.

Pros :-

1. It is good substitute for people who are allergic to milk and milk products as it does not contain lactose or casein ( milk sugars and proteins ) . It is a better choice than butter.

2. It has a similar fatty acid profile to butter, and it provides the same heat stable properties. However, ghee does not contain milk sugars and proteins, so it will not burn as quickly at high heat.


It is more expensive than the Butter.

Note:- Cooking Ghee beats than the Butter as it can withstand high heat as it does not have any water or milk

8. Grape Seed Oil

Grape seed oil was introduced as a by product of wine making process by pressing the left over grape seeds to extract their oil. It is rich in high omega-6 fatty acids


1. It is cheap and has more vitamins


1. As we see it has substantial amount of omega – 6 fatty acids the recent research study shows consumption of high omega 6 to 3 ratio has links to the promotion of chronic diseases.

2. This oil is susceptible to oxidative at high temperatures. Studies shows that it generates significant amount of polar compounds during cooking

Note: Since it produces significant amount of polar compouns during cooking. You still have the better cooking oil options.

9. Macadamia nuts oil

Macadamia nuts are delicious and they are enriched with full of fat that makes it as good cooking oil.

Pros: -

1. Macadamia nuts oil has extremely low Poly unsaturated fat and it offers excellent resistance. A study on oils acclaimed this oil surpassed other oils like grape seed, rice bran, avocado and walnuts since it has oxidative stability of culinary oil.

2. It also contains a range of anti-oxidants/ polyphenols which helps in the preservation of oil.

Corns :-

It is the most expensive cooking oil

10. Palm kernel oil

Palm oil has the biggest usage in western and global diet. The processed food industry uses this oil their products and the best available form is as cooking oil.Palm oil is based on the seed type oil where the seed is inside the palm fruit.


1. It is readily available and cheap compared to any cooking oil

2. It has similar oxidative stability to high – OLEIC oils and it offers better performance at high temperatures than seed oils like canola and sun flower.

Corns: -

Despite its low polyunsaturates fat contents, palm oil’s oxidative resistance appears to vary. Also some studies shows release of volatile oxidation products during frying this is due to the ultra-processing palm oil goes through and in turn it lacks of antioxidant compounds in the oil.

10. Peanut oil

Peanut oil has high monosaturated fat and it has a taste of slightly nutty flavor mostly in the unrefined forms


1. It is rich in compounds that have antioxidant properties and these compounds helps to improve its oxidative stability.

2. A resent study revelas that plant based cooking oils like peanut oil generates one of the lowest amounts of oxidation products.


  1. The unrefined forms of oil is expensive and the refined has less taste and flavours.

11.Red palm oil

Red palm oil comes from the same Palm fruit as Palm kernel oil the difference here the actual fruit itself is used rather than seeds.


1. It is full of carotenoids, henceforth it gets deep red colour. It contains Vitamin E and all the compounds collectively give high level of oxidative stability.

2. It contains small amount of poly unsaturated fat and it is almost 90% saturated and mono unsaturated.


It gives you the food taste like red palm oil and additionally it gives the orange tinge colours.

12. Refined Olive oil

You will find different names for refined olive oil and might be light olive oil or Pomace Olive oil. As you will find the main source of this oil is from olive only the manufacturing process is different. Refined Olive oil made from the further extraction of the left over pulp after the extra virgin oil is extracted.The pulps go through the extraction process using solvents such as hexane and still it possesses the fatty acid profile of Extra virgin oil.

Pros: -

1. It has the same fat profile as Extra virgin olive oil.

2. They are still good in heat stable owing to the minimal poly unsaturated fat content they contain.

3.The taste is very light and bland whereas the extra virgin has strong flavour . It goes well for homemade Mayo.

Corns: -

1. Heat tests on refined oils show that they do not offer the same oxidative stability as extra virgin oil due to its refining process which removes most of its original beneficial poly phenols which acts as a anti-oxidants. Keep in mind that the high poly phenols helps the fatty acids from oxidation.

2. Polyphenols appears to have some health protective benefits which refined olive oils does not possess.

13. Rice Bran Oil

Rice bran oil is made from the outer shell which is called as husk or chaff from the Rice.

Pros: -

1. It contains more saturates mono saturated fats than most vegetable oils as well as some anti-oxidants. It has better oxidative stability than oils like Canola, sunflower and other processed seed oils

Corns: -

1.. Though it has seed based source vegetable oil, while heating it produces the formation of trans fats and plar compounds than animal fats or fruit/ nut-based oils

14. Safflower oil

This oil comes from the seed of the safflower plant.

Pros: -

1. It is a cheap oil.

2. It has high OLEIC version of safflower oil is mainly monounsaturated fat and this gives greater heat stability than regular ones.


1. Regular safflower oil is predominantly polyunsaturated fat and the research shows it is prone to oxidation

15. Sesame oil

Sesame oil is one of the best oils used it variety of cooking as condiments. It adds a flavor to the food where n oil can match to its purity. But it is not better options for deep fat fry cooking.


1. It gives a nice taste and flavor to the dish

2. It slightly has lower proportion of poly unsaturated fat compared to other seed oil choices and it also contains polyphenols.

Corns :-

1. It might be the best oil but it is not the good choice for deep fry foods as it creates volatile oxidation compounds soon after exposure to heat.

16. Soya bean oil

It is the most common cooking oil around the world. But it has high omega-6 fatty acids it may not be the best cooking choice.


It contains moderate amount of Vitamin E which gives slightly better oxidative stability compared to other seed oils.


It is ultra -processed high in unstable poly unsaturated fats, and display poor oxidative stability when exposed to heat.

17. Sunflower oil

Sunflower oil is similar to safflower as it also possess the same fatty acid profile which comes from the edible sunflower oil seeds.

Pros :-

There is high OLEIC version sunflower oil that provides better heat stability than the regular version


It is not heat stable and easily oxidises at high cooking temperatures

Image source Google

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