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Drug Prices are going down in USA

    Drug Prices are going down in USA

I don't believe in such crap news. Everything is just business. The day this president stop disrespecting all of us americans and stop being dividing us he'll get my respect. Yes, we all have to stand on front of God to respond for our deeds but Donald Trump has to do it first and he'll go directly to hell before all of us do... Understood?
Absolutely. I hope you are including Democrates in that ALL.  All politicians need to drop THEIR agendas (give back all lobbiest $$) and work for the good of the people. We should all know that would be found in middle ground.
Not me. I would water party in hell with Lemmy and bon Scott and Amy Winehouse than go to heaven. Both of which are just concepts to keep the uneducated masses bowed down before Thier masters.
Mr. Gu, It still amazes me you were educated @VanderbiltU ! Especially when you make ridiculous comments like this. I’m fairly certain if weren’t for a cowardice law suit to avoid consequences for actions you took that have no place in any Surgery Dept. they would disown you!
You're probably lying again, but just in case... Getting our drug prices down is the least you can do.  You should probably federally legalize marijuana while you're at it.  As long as you're going to make our lives miserable, might as well keep US high.
Aside from forgivable misspellings, you know more about fake than anyone. Hey did you ever figure out why 98% of pharma sold in USA come from China & India? Did you raise tariffs on those products also, or just washing machines?
Aren't you the Adderall popping guy who told people to take Hydroxychloroquine after a witch doctor told you it cured all her patients? Seems like we would be better served taking pharmaceutical advice from  just about anyone else on the planet.
You either need to DO SOMETHING, or get out of the way. Either make & implement a national plan regarding the coronavirus, or let someone else do it. Lying & u blowing smoke up our ass makes things worse. Vegas (D) isn’t allowed to vote by mail, but Florida (R) can? That’s BS!
"true self" is revealed like when Trump experiences a "fall from grace", or when his hidden behaviors or motivations are reveled, it leads to dysregulation of behaviors, FALSE ACCUSATION, PSYCHOLOGICAL PROJECTION etc.”
It's just sicking how disrespectful some people are  to our PRESIDENT. Every one of you will one day have to stand before GOD and answer for your sins and be faced with HELL for all that you have done in your life. Thank you Mr. President for your service and sacrifices for us. Trump's only doing great for the people who support him. That's politics I'm afraid. UK is no different. Still, there's a phrase isn't there? God often punishes us by giving us what we want. Christians by definition should all be poor yet unpunished.
NY'ers know why @NYGovCuomo banned the cheap & effective Hydroxychloroquine he & his brother took that kept them healthy,
because where's the profit & kickbacks in that?
Big Pharma exists to make profits NOT cures.
Like a corner drug dealer, its goal is to hook you for life.

Thanks for Reading 🙏
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