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Does Trump is on right track?

        Does Trump is on right track?

What experts were kicked out? Should the My Pillow Guy not have retooled his factory to make needed supplies? What exactly are you arguing against? Do you even know?
That’s exactly why the left released the virus & they are still milking it - to destroy economy. 
Time to approve HCQ/ZPack/Zn & Get back to our old Normal. 
Enough is enough. If the left was so concerned about the virus they’d disavow riots - yet they encourage riots.Hipocrites.
I agree he was running on a growing economy that Obama made possible. But he did not crash it. Pre-covid economic outlook was okay. Now every country is crashing down. Even Australia who had a solid 20 plus years of no recession. He cut taxes by 1.8T!! and spent already enough (esp on def) to saddle our kids and grandkids futures, to say nothing of hurting Medicare, SS, etc. He cut and spent for only electoral reasons. No mindful economist would agree with any of what he did. And now we’re stuck. Not good.
I'd argue the deficit was going to catch up. We continued to leverage debt at record levels at the federal level which in a normal world would prevent them from securing risky loans as they are now. The tax cuts was a bad call. I believe we were headed toward a recession pre-covid. Huge tax cuts (and corps pocketing the $) + massive spending, with only moderate job growth. Middle class shrinking even more. We weren't in a tenable position unfortunately. You are correct. Saw multiple sources state we were headed for recession as of december/january, just convenient coincidence that he can use covid as an excuse for it.You are correct. Saw multiple sources state we were headed for recession as of december/january, just convenient coincidence that he can use covid as an excuse for it.
According to US president Donald Trump "Somebody please explain to @MichelleObama that Donald J. Trump would not be here, in the beautiful White House, if it weren’t for the job done by your husband, Barack Obama. Biden was merely an afterthought, a good reason for that very late &  unenthusiastic endorsement" 
"My Administration and I built the greatest economy in history, of any country, turned it off, saved millions of lives, and now am building an even greater economy than it was before. Jobs are flowing, NASDAQ is already at a record high, the rest to follow. Sit back & watch"

A man who becomes used to deluding himself, who fails to face his own faults with revolutionary honesty and even lies to himself, is the most likely to become a traitor, since lying is the beginning of treachery. 
My opinion is totally different from this perception Actually, @DonaldTrump’s presidency coasted with the greatest economy in history, until scandal, incompetence, & lies resulted in a crashed economy & national pandemic. History shows that @BarackObama made America great again & @DonaldTrump threw it all away. 157 Days ago the president declared a national emergency the emergency is still going on
the coronavirus is still burning a hole through the county you said stay home and you would deliver a plan we’re still waiting
where is the PLAN
Ten days ago, I brought together the CEOs of commercial labs and directed them to immediately begin working on a solution to dramatically increase the availability of tests.
I then scrapped a national testing plan because the virus was hitting mainly blue states this.

Thanks for Reading 🙏

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