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America has become the Florida of the world

America has become the Florida of the world

There are 12M unemployed hospitality & event workers who cannot work until the virus is under control. This weak effort is not going to be enough to pay bills. We have NO work to go to. If employers complain that staff won’t come back bc pay is too low, let them pay a decent wage.
Will it be like last night's appalling affair in which Trump coaxed reporters to NJ only to have them sharing a space with mostly mask-less Trumps supporters? That stunt last night by Trump was one of his most absurd thus far. All funded by taxpayers!
Andrii Derkach, a Kremlin-linked Ukrainian lawmaker who has worked to foment allegations of corruption by Biden and his son Hunter has confirmed sending in December derogatory info packages to Nunes, as well as GOP Sens.  Grassley and Graham. In Fullofshitticus speak... “I am going to hobble our to a podium in the lobby of my country club and lie my ass off. When I don’t like the questions, or they punt to the lies, I am going to hobble away.”
Proposed supplemental funding is not enough to pay bills unless you are already rich enough to not need help during the pandemic. This seems like an effort to keep everyone that isn’t rich below the poverty level so that wealthy investors can scoop up foreclosures at low interest.
Unreal. I live in Vegas and we need  someone stand up for hospitality and entertainment, not to mention conventions as our local government seems to have botched our response.  They have canceled the remaining shows for the year and are currently discussing another shutdown.
Today Donald Trump killed Social Security by defunding it. Eliminating Payroll Taxes cuts funding for MEDICARE and RETIREMENT. 
Millions of Republican, Democrats and Independent Seniors lost MEDICARE and RETIREMENT. 
Only corporations win,we lost, again.
The decision by congressional Republicans to go along with Trump’s clear abuse of power will significantly weaken Congress’ overall constitutional role of executive oversight & further strengthen the power of the Presidency, whether that office is held by Republican or Democrat.
He will never back down from a fight, because He knows that He's always 110% totally right (correct) We know it. His family knows it. Everyone in America knows it. It's not your fault that you're always wrong. The weak ones are there to justify the strong. Yes, it’s really humiliating to be seen as whiny, sore losers, but they have no conscience so they don’t care.  The left just keeps chipping away and biting at his heals like a happy little dog!  Or a irritating gnat w teeth flying around your face.
Please explain to us mere European mortals how anyone can (still) support this man after watching this and the overall mess he is making? 
What is the appeal? 
Who are the people who support him?
We want to understand...we really do.
Before the china virus we had lowest  unemployment among black, latino's, asians.  Lowest on food stamps.  Record number of jobs created.  Lower taxes.  Got us out of bad trade deals made by former presidents.  Is building the wall, many other things, just research it. Research not necessary. He is an embarrassment to many of us. He took over an economy that was growing for years. Research it. Easy to lead when things are going well. True leadership comes when times are hard. How’s that going for him.

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