World Peace
Obama: Talks of peace despite Arab Spring and millions of lives destroyed. Syria civil war interference. Ukraine became divided, again war raging. North Korea tested many nuclear bombs. War in Yemen starts in 2015. America supplies weapons to Saudi Arabia. America didn’t stop genocide of Yazidis.
Trump: No Arab spring. War in Yemen continues -Trump is blamed. War dies out as Saudi cannot afford it anymore. Engage with Turkey to stop Yazidi genocide.
Foreign relations:
Obama: on war path with Russia, Turkey. Relationship with Egypt deteriorated. Relationship with China remains tense. No action taken. Relationship with India though remains good.
Trump: Take action against China. Relies other countries to form military alliance against China. Increases restrictions on Iran. Improves relationship with Russia, Turkey and Egypt.Relationship with India remains good but without compromising American interests.
Indigenous American people
Obama: Reverses decision to make pipeline from Native american. No focus on real issues such as kidnapping of Native american girls for human trafficking. Gives speech at Clinton foundation though.
Trump: Reverses Obama decision but focus on other native american issues like kidnapping or missing native american girls. Introduces another executive action against human trafficking.
Obama: Brings medicare for all but without federal assistance. Hospitals goes bankrupt and close down. FDA doesn’t take action against opoid crisis.
Trump: Tackle opioid crisis. Reduces power of pharma companies to alter drug prices such as insulin and focus subsidized medicare for elderly. Focus on where it is important.
Police brutality
Obama: champion police rights even after Fergusson. Proposes community policing.
Trump: introduces executive action to limit federal budget if police dont comply with guidelines.
Obama: bails out banks after crisis. Too big to fail.
Trump: supports local manufacturing making Federial agencies and departments to buy American. American economy gets turbo-charged.
Oratory and executional skills
Obama: Great orator, not so good in execution
Trump: Poor orator, good in execution
Lesson learnt: Good Behaviour is great but it doesn’t matter if it doesn’t result into right actions. High ideals are right but if it is compromised, then they are lost.
Talk is cheap. Action is Gold.
Obama after the Sandy Hook school shooting where little children were killed. After the Sandy Hook shooting, there was conspiracy going around from the far right saying the victim's parents were “crisis actors”.. with one family being forced to move at least 7 times due to harassment after their child was killed (no thanks to Alex Jones). And they said the tears that Obama shed on TV were fake tears. Obama immediately submitted gun reform proposals but they were immediately SLASHED by Republicans in congress. Obama during his presidency passed a bill that made it more difficult for people who are mentally ill or unstable to purchase a gun.. when Trump became president in 2017, he REVERSED this gun bill: Trump made it easier for the mentally ill to get guns
I think you can understand who has compassion and empathy and who doesn't.
This is Trump after the Parkland, Florida school shooting. There were actually MANY mass shootings under Trump's presidency.. and most of his pictures are ALL THE SAME. He poses usually with hospital staff or Trump supporters and has a big smile and thumbs up. Trump did absolutely NOTHING after these mass shootings.. actually Trump said he was maybe considering doing something about it but the NRA immediately told him to back off and he did. So instead he was considering “arming teachers with guns” which is a terrible idea. Well in, 2018 the survivor victims of the Parkland shooting managed to pass 69 NEW gun law legislations, including 18 in Republican-controlled states. They raised the minimum age to purchase a gun in their Florida home state from 18 to 21.. all of this work done by kids.. because Trump DIDN'T DO ANYTHING as he said he would when he invited them to The White House to speak.
Trump and conservative Republicans are owned by the NRA so the kids grouped together to form a “never again” movement and are taking matters into their own hands because adults wouldn’t. On top of that, Trump (and many of the far right or alt right) continually encourages and spreads hate which inspired many of the mass shooters: the New Zealand shooter (whom was from Australia which has extremely strict gun laws) went to New Zealand where the gun laws were more relaxed and before he committed the terrorist massacre, he said in his manifesto (which was obviously taken down from the internet) that he thanked Trump as “a symbol of renewed white identity”… and the Walmart shooter in El Paso, Texas was specifically targeting Mexican people after hearing about Trump and his border wall and his discrimination against immigrants.. even killing a Latino/Hispanic Trump supporter couple who’s baby is seen below in the thumbs up photo.. the parents jumped over to cover and protect their baby infant.
Here's a photo of after the El Paso, Texas Walmart shooting. Again, Trump views these as a photo op opportunity for himself. No one was willing to meet with Trump except ONE of the victim's family who was actually a Trump supporter (as so were the victims) and some of the hospital staff who heard Trump bragging about how much better he was than Beto O’rouke (there is a leaked video footage of that you can watch yourself, I think he was bragging about how the size of his rallies are bigger than Beto’s). That baby you see in the picture is an orphan as a result of the massacre. Imagine if Obama did this.. taking a picture like this.. or if Obama did ANYTHING Trump did.. the double standard is appalling.
Here is Trump visiting a victim from the Dayton, Ohio mass shooting. What kind of psychopath does this? Am I the only sane person here thinking this is absolutely sick? Again, these are nothing but photo op opportunities for Trump… Trump has done nothing about gun violence, he didn't even try one bit to make any changes whatsoever.
Here's pictures of Trump with one of the survivors of the Parkland shooting.. (Trump invited the survivors and the deceased victim's families to talk). I have never ever seen Trump show any kind of emotion or shed a tear at all.. when Trump is forced to act presidential after a massacre, he's reading off a teleprompter.. WHY would you NEED a teleprompter? Unless you have zero emotions and no control of your uneccesary ranting… like when Trump said the Neo Nazis were “very fine people” after the Charlottesville attack.. SO that must mean whatever he says from the teleprompter is not how he really feels.. he's just forced to say it.
Here’s more proof of what I mentioned earlier.. this was taken from the same event. You can clearly see in his notes, it says “I hear you”.. again, WHY do you need notes or a teleprompter to show simple human compassion and empathy? He must be completely far gone as a person and there may be something seriously wrong with him.
Trump is an extremely insecure narcissist who makes everything about himself.. he has a gain or loss mentality.. and always has a “what's in it for me?” mind of thinking. He has no emotions other than being angry or upset. The only time he is happy is when he goes to his Trump rallies and get cheered on by the crowd of his supporters which makes him feel better. If you studied psychology and Sigmund Freud's theories, Trump most likely had an abnormal childhood (probably didn't pass the “oral stage”, maybe that's why he's always eating McDonald's and drinking Diet Coke for comfort).. his father probably didn't give him enough love as a child and always berated him while spoiling him at the same time.. thus resulting in his insecurities and narcissism since everything was handed to him.. he never faced consequences since he was always bailed out everytime he screwed up (which was very often), he has a terrible personality and he’s a terrible business person (how can you LOSE money from a casino.. that’s the easiest business you can possibly get into). Maybe that's why he is what he is today.. lack of compassion and empathy.. thinking it's a sign of weakness when actually it's a sign of being a decent human being. Trump is probably the most insecure narcissist to ever walk this Earth. Children in the future will read about Trump in their history books and will laugh.. especially if they rewatch his speeches on video or read his tweets. It’s sad today children have to go through drills for mass shootings.. in my day, we only had Earthquake drills and that was the only thing we had to worry about.. my elementary school didn’t even have a security guard. Kids today are so much resilient, stronger, and smarter than we think.. we are leaving such a heavy burden on them, both financially and emotionally.. we as adults need to do better and set better examples. I’m glad these kids like Greta Thunberg and the Parkland survivors are taking massive action.. and I see hope in the future in them.
By the way, I'm not the biggest fan of Obama.. I'm more of a progressive left leaning voter and Obama is pretty moderate or center-right.. I didn't like a lot of the things he did as president (individual mandate, Wallstreet and GM bailout, Flint water crisis, Dakota access pipeline, etc.).. but that does not mean he's a bad world leader, he knew how to communicate and comfort people with real compassion and grace. Although I didn't agree politically with most of what Obama did, at least he's no where near Trump who is an absolute monster and a narcissistic egomaniac.. at least Obama was human.
When in rain, human instinct is to fend for oneself. That moment also allows for people to show their true colors. Would you protect your child or your suit from getting wet? That’s why media is focused, though at times sensationally, on how presidents carry themselves when caught in the rain.
Therefore, the mighty umbrella telltale!
Note that the presidential umbrella tells quite much about the two main political ideologies in the US. One of the main ideological differences between Conservatism and Liberalism is that the former assumes we live in a dog-eat-dog world, so to speak, in which everyone must fend for themselves. It’s a war of every man against every man, as Hobbes says. The morale of Conservative ideology in this context is that if you do not help the weak, they will have to find a way to become stronger and in the end everyone is better off. Except that that’s never the case. The rich gets richer and the poor gets poorer.
Liberals in general believe that we must take the hand of the weak in society. Please note that I’m using “weak” as an analogy here. If one of us is doing too well, it is the moral responsibility of the well-off to help others by contributing their fair share to the society by way of tax. We are sociable by nature and we need each other, as Rousseau puts it. We are a family? How can you not help your weaker child in your household? That everyone needs a chance. That the weak cannot always get out of misery if not in level playing field or not aided. That too much economic disparity is morally reprehensible. The poor is fighting an uphill battle, and if you belong to racial minority, your challenges multiply. Note that Amazon did not pay a single dollar in federal taxes for its $11,200,000,000 profit for 2018. It is not okay.
So, grab your popcorn and slouch back for a show of the Two Umbrellas.
Here President Trump has protected himself.
First Lady has not.
He and his hair have to stay dry.
Just kidding!
(Trump is apparently joking with Melania, which is fine since it is not really raining. However, there are many instances which tell a different story. Keep scrolling. BTW, Trump looks like he’s wearing an old man diaper and Melania looks too hot.)
Now, let’s see how a real gentleman behaves in the rain.
It’s not just about the First Lady.
The buddy he dumped after he supported him. Remember?
Worst Trump photo with no umbrella.

Worst Obama photo with no umbrella.
Now here is the overlap. When Trump looks like a gentleman and Obama selfish.
So did these photos tell the Umbrella Telltale pretty fairly? I like to think so. Again, the reason (the “scientific” method) is to look at as many cases as possible, from as many angles as possible, and not make a judgement from a narrow point of view or limited grounds. I did not want to bombard the answer with more photos (I already rained on it) but in my fun research today I found out that in most (and not all) cases, Obama has acted more gentlemanly in the rain in eight years than Trump has in three years. Stay dry.
Photos from ABC, CNN, BBC, Epoch Times, Reuters, NBC, Yahoo, and Fox News.
PS. Here’s a bonus photos to make your day.