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I can frankly say "YES" it's spreading in airborne. I'm so upset to hear the announcement of WHO.  

It's time to stay safe and stay hygiene free. My motto of this year 2020 is to be alive. I have trash future plans, Once we Come out of this situation then we'll think about future plans. However, it is not understood so far that why WHO and Governments are not acknowledging the airborne transmission of infection.There may be the case that incapable people are in decision making or to avoid panic in public.

Size of virus is about 0.01 microns.

Also, N95 with PM2.5 masks can filter upto 0.3 microns size and 95% of particles. So, no mask is safe alone for guaranteed protection. So Mask and distance both are must. Best thing is to minimize the interaction with others.

I recommend everyone must wear a mask and keep enough distance to others when there is interaction. Never interact with a person who doesn't cover their face with mask or other clothes.

If two persons wearing masks are interacting each other then there will be less chance of spreading the infection. However, single person doesn't cover face among 100 people wearing masks poses the risks for all.

The recent report that coronavirus is “airborne” is not peer reviewed. Also, It has always been a matter of discussion and debate how far can droplet travel.

Some Studies in Laboratory Condition have seen droplet particle travel farther than 1 meter.

But these could not be replicated in real life scenarios. Because how much distance a droplet can cover depends on humidity, wind speed, force of excretion.

Here is what WHO said in recent notification:-

  • To date, some scientific publications provide initial evidence on whether the COVID-19 virus can be detected in the air and thus, some news outlets have suggested that there has been airborne transmission. These initial findings need to be interpreted carefully.
  • A recent publication in the New England Journal of Medicine has evaluated virus persistence of the COVID-19 this experimental study, aerosols were generated using a three-jet Collison nebulizer and fed into a Goldberg drum under controlled laboratory conditions. This is a high-powered machine that does not reflect normal human cough conditions. Further, the finding of COVID-19 virus in aerosol particles up to 3 hours does not reflect a clinical setting in which aerosol-generating procedures are performed—that is, this was an experimentally induced aerosol-generating procedure.
  • There are reports from settings where symptomatic COVID-19 patients have been admitted and in which no COVID-19 RNA was detected in air samples. WHO is aware of other studies which have evaluated the presence of COVID-19 RNA in air samples, but which are not yet published in peer-reviewed journals.

Also just detecting RNA in environment is not enough. The virus particle detected need to be in viable form (capable of replication).

  1. It is important to note that the detection of RNA in environmental samples based on PCR-based assays is not indicative of viable virus that could be transmissible.

Based on the available evidence, including the recent publications mentioned above, WHO continues to recommend droplet and contact precautions for those people caring for COVID-19 patients.

WHO continues to recommend airborne precautions for circumstances and settings in which aerosol generating procedures and support treatment are performed, according to risk assessment.(In the context of COVID-19, airborne transmission may be possible in specific circumstances and settings in which procedures or support treatments that generate aerosols are performed; i.e., endotracheal intubation, bronchoscopy, open suctioning, administration of nebulized treatment, manual ventilation before intubation, turning the patient to the prone position, disconnecting the patient from the ventilator, non-invasive positive-pressure ventilation, tracheostomy, and cardiopulmonary resuscitation. 


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