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How did you undo your bad deed?

Sometimes all you need is just a smile. Smile is magic. Here is my magical story:

Group discussions during our college were in full swing as they formed an essential component of CA marks. On the fateful day, one of my classmate from another section (we had same subject) was chosen as my opponent during a GD. It was related to Do we need to fund space exploration! My team had chosen to go with the topic so we discussed the merits outlining the need to treat poverty and other stuff separately. As the discussion progressed, so did the tempers. Now, the friend from other section threw in her bigwick of priorities. I being a space enthusiast was suddenly overwhelmed with emotions and asked her about her personal preferences of high end smartphone and other obsessions considered status symbol of upper class, some of which she possessed. This irked her and she left the discussion. Although I didn't intend to hurt her on personal level but the damage was done. She started avoiding me, even changed her seating arrangement. I didn't mind it earlier but later realised that my words may have done the damage. So one day, I sat on her table during lunch in canteen and just smiled. Magic. She smiled back and then the catastrophe.

She ate my aloo paratha 😭😭😭😭

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