So most everyone in Hollywood has a nose job, a cheek job. Tons of plastic surgery ..
Who do I think are the most beautiful actresses in Hollywood ?
I would have put Megan Fox on the list - but if you saw her before she dyed her hair black ( she is actually a redhead in real life) and got some plastic surgery - you wouldn't recognize her.
These are the most naturally beautiful women I think.
Lena Headey-

Jessica Alba

Logan Browning

Teresa Palmer

Kate Beckensale

Claire Forlani

Rhona Mitra

But the most beautiful woman in film, for me, the most naturally beautiful women in the film industry ( you also know she is a natural beauty because she doesn't take good pictures. If you want to see her on film, watch “Winters Tale”
Jessica Brown Findley( she is sooo beautiful In real life and takes terrible pictures )

Here is another of her but again, she takes bad pictures-

Now there are a lot of really beautiful characters - actresses that look amazing in a certain character - like Emilia Clarke for example. As the mother of dragons- she is so epic.

But that is probably because her character is so rad too, and she has long hair and different colored eyes and computer improved body parts.
In real life, she just doesn't pack as much of a wallop-

See? There are sooo many actresses like that, exactly like that. They have the best make up artists in the industry, greatest lighting , and computer generated nude scenes - to make them the perfect 10 on film. But real life is a whole other ballgame.
My list is about real life. Sans make up, lighting , wardrobe, and computers.
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