Best websites to make money
Some people are not getting enough salary to fulfill their dreams and needs. Here I am providing some legit ways to earn money from internet. You have to work smartly in this no hard work etc. So read carefully and apply today itself for some extra income.
There are many websites out there that offer productive ways to make money online. If you have any special skills you can become a freelancer and offer your services to people, also you can join different paid survey sites and make some productive money there as well. You could join many (PTC) this is paid to click sites, and make some productive money there to. This is just a few there are many other sites out there.
If you want the most productive website that would benefit you the most in making you money, I would have to say that would be the website you build yourself. There is no website online that has more potential of bring you in good money then a website you built for yourself, geared around the niche of your choice. Most of the websites you join you will have to put in a lot of work in and the return for your work will always be much less then whoever owns the website. To me this is to much like a regular 9–5 job where you bust your butt to make someone else rich, and correct me if I’m wrong but when we all comes online looking to make money it's to make us rich right?
Don’t get me wrong these kind of sites are great when you're starting out and have never made money online before, because most people that turn to the internet for income at first don’t believe its really possible to do. This is a great way to start seeing some money coming in and build your confidence about being able to make a living from home. You can learn how to become a day trader and make very good money online, I thought I would throw that in there because I day trade and it is very lucrative when you know what you're doing. This does take time to become a profitable trader but it is a skill worth learning and you will be able to make money anytime or anywhere around the world with just a laptop and internet connection. I love any business that allows this :)
You can make a living income from home with a free blog/website, personally I use Blogspot and Weebly and create very simple blog pages that I promote products on a make around $200-$400 a day with. Nothing online has to be as complicated as people want you to believe, this is just to get you to buy more pointless products/services that won’t help you make any money and keeps putting more money in there pockets. I will tell you how to make a living from home in a few SIMPLE steps.
You need to build yourself an email list where you can send offers out anytime you want. This is exactly what I do to make my living from home, over a few years I was able to build a list of over 50k. About every 2 weeks or so I send out a mass email with a hot product that I believe in of course and I know works and will add value to people's lives. Because I am trusted by my list as an authority figure when it comes to good information I usually get around a 4% conversion rate. This is about 2k in sales, now I say usually because sometimes it's less 2% or 1% but even so out of 50k that’s still around 500 in sales. I hope you're starting to see how having your own website/blog and email list can make you very good money. (THE MONEY IS IN THE LIST) Always remember this.
In order to build yourself a big email list you need a high converting landing page where people will come and enter there Name and Email and that is what I consider myself an expert in this department because of a program I found 8+ years ago that helped me.
I hope this answer gave you a little insight about how to really make some good money from home.
If you liked the information I gave and are at all interested in learning more about how I make a living from home and how you can to, you are more than welcomed to visit my Blog and I will show you exactly how I do it and what I use. You can believe this is the most honest information on how to make some great money online without being lied to. Also I’m giving away a free ebook on my blog that shows you a cool little strategy I use everyday to make an extra $75-$150 a day to add to my daily profits. (Very Good Stuff) It’s yours if you want to grab it.
Good info