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Why does Facebook allow hate speech, graphic violence, and posting of personal info of sex offenders?

Facebook is very sensitive about these things.As an advertiser, you can't post ads on FACEBOOK that make people feel bad about the way that they look. No before and after photos, no pointing out “ugly” body parts, and no snowing off “unrealistic” beauty standards.
Why does FACEBOOK take this stance? Probably because a lot of users got upset and complained. Pretty much like what happened with the whole Maria Kang thing, except people took it personally with her.

Because the system is totally indifferent to the rights of registered citizens. In a move identical to what they criticize these offenders for, they strip the offender of any and all humanity and objectify them. They are no longer people or citizens. They are “sex offenders”, “sexual predators”, or “child sexual predators”. They objectify these people because that makes it “OK” to banish them to the fringes of society and keep them there. It’s what enables the mentality of the courts to overtly and vindictively ignore the law in far too many instances. When ruling, many judges in effect say, “__?_ You! That’s why!!”
The truth is that the general consensus is that anyone who rapes a woman and especially those who rape or molest children deserve nothing less than a slow, agonizing torturous death and anything less than that is justice denied. So, it’s ok for vigilantes to use the registry to hunt down and either violently assault or kill registered citizens. No matter how many times this has happened, the law is not unconstitutional. 

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