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When does Corona Virus pendamic end in India.

However a study by Harvard University says that this virus might stay active even till 2024. This research has warned the US that its citizens might have to practice social distancing possibly until 2022 and that social distancing can become a new normal. The two ways through which we can get rid of Covid: 1. We eliminate the virus; 2. We develop immunity. First way as stated by the research is practically not possible. The only way out is building the immunity. Human body can get immune in two possible ways. Either by learning this itself (means a person who gets infected by Covid, fights it out using his/her own disease fighting mechanism) or artificially (means by taking a vaccine). Generally a vaccine when developed, is first tested on animals and then moved on to humans for testing. This whole process usually takes 1-2 years and only when the results of the vaccine are positive, gets available for the use of normal public. Right now the whole scientists fraternity around the globe is trying to develop a vaccine for this and some researches have even progressed to human testing phase but still nothing concrete is heard in this direction. I still think that vaccine is not coming out really quick but let's hope and pray that mankind finds a cure of this disease soon.

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