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When Corona Virus will end

Nobody really knows when will COVID-19 stop. However, here is an idea that I would like to propose based on my personal experience.
 Corona virus will never, ever be over, just like Influenza will never, ever be over. Since that fateful day when somebody in Wuhan decided to snack on a bat, or a snake, or a wolf or whatever it was, the course of history was changed forever.
The Coronavirus as we know it has found a good host. And when a virus finds a good host, it is part of the host species’ existence forever.
It appears that this Coronavirus is very adept at mutation, which is how it got to humans in the first place. So no matter what vaccination is brought out, Coronavirus will circumvent it with mutation, just like the ‘flu does.
However, and this is the important point, every day it becomes more and more likely that the danger of the virus is massively overestimated. The reported death rates of 3% are clearly massively overestimated. It’s now thought that there are tens of thousands of unreported cases of Coronvirus around the world. Remember, 100% of deaths caused by the virus are reported, but the amount of people who are carrying the virus is unknown, and the reports are based on the worst possible scenario.
When we look at the deaths, we have to look at where the deaths have occurred. Wuhan was hit pretty hard, but 70% of the male population are heavy smokers, and they live in the some of the worst air pollution in the world. It won’t take much to put these people into respiratory distress. Then there’s Italy. The people that have succumbed have been elderly, since the elderly will not have access to social media like the young have, and villages of old biddies will get together for Sunday mass and a cup of coffee.
Then there’s counties like the UK and Australia where the deaths are occurring in nursing homes. The remaining life expectancy in nursing homes is months, and patients are way more likely to die of aspirational pneumonia from inadequate oral hygiene. But the fact is, only a handful of people have been tested. In America it is around 500, in Australia it is no more than 100, and a diagnosis cannot be made without a test. So just think of all the undiagnosed cases that bring the death rate down.
The fact is that this is just my opinion, and nobody knows the truth just yet. It is the fear of the unknown that is worse for many people.
Edit: It appears that some people haven’t read the last paragraph. It is my opinion. You’re welcome to yours, even if it differs from mine. But if you start getting all angry and insulting and are unable to keep your emotions in check, you’ll just get your comment deleted and get blocked. Be nice people, it’s free.
Edit 2: The first line isn’t racist. It’s a scientific fact. If your mind works that way, that’s a shame for you, but don’t assume that everybody else’s does.

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