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What's Thinking Box,

When the mind is inside the boundaries of limited and cliche thoughts it is Inside the box thinking. 

Thinking out of the box is not exactly thinking like others. It is something beyond. We have a problem to which we might or might not have immediate solutions/workarounds. So when someone asks you to think out of the box, it is to explore the problem from a different angle which other's have not approached so far. That is to say to discard/ignore other's views/ideas/suggestions.

 It is relevant. Experience is a very good asset to use to solve any type of problems. The best combination will be experience inside the box with fresh ideas that come from the inexperience and freedom that comes when you don´t feel limited by the knowledge and expertise you have accumulated.
One will be able to think out of the box on brain storming about various approaches to the problem. These approaches will give us a hint on an approach which was never thought before.

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