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What Matters in life

I am utterly, severely and chronically disorganised.
Here are some examples of the above-mentioned wonderful trait:
  • My room is a mess. I can never have guests over. Even on the extreme case that I do, I stuff the junk in my room to under my bed.
Something along the lines of this :
(source:Google images)
  • I am one of those people with 20,000+ unread emails.
  • There will be stories and volumes written about the tales of my laziness.
  • I procrastinate my work till the last 2 days. Not a good thing when you are on tight deadlines.
  • I am ALWAYS late. Last week I was 15 mins late for an exam and met my professor while saying, ‘Here I am, as late as always!’. He took it in a good sense and burst out laughing. Thank God.
  • I forget about food in the refrigerator. The end result is something along these lines:
(source:Google images)
  • I do not have a fixed sleep schedule.
I was not like this till last year. Then somewhere somehow I got lost and I’ve been struggling ever since.
I am trying my best to bring my life into track. I keep to-do lists for everything and am slowly but surely trying to bring my life under control.
I hope it all works out soon.
*Edited to add image sources.

To be positive, to enjoy and to know how to live in the moment.
I clicked the above picture and told her that I would write about her. She blushed and waved me bye and continued with her work.
In those 3 days that we practised our dance for the celebrations she would drop by suddenly and dance for 2–3 minutes and continue with her work.
She could have easily put on a grumpy face, cribbed or ranted about how she has to work even at 62 and how her kids should take care of her but instead she choose the other way round. When I gave her my mobile to record our practice session and showed her which button to press to record she smiled and said that she doesn't understand all this but she did learn how to record a video after explaining it once. She could have said that she doesn't wish to learn but she accepted that she doesn't know but didn't say that she didn't want to know.
That's what makes people different.
Their perspectives, personalities and ideologies not educational qualifications or status…their attitude towards life, people and willingness to learn.
That's what being happy and being confident in one's skin actually means…..which few youngsters these days lack because of self-doubt or because of their over thinking as to what the world might think of them.
I have seen many times how unless they are confident that they are perfect in something they won't even try attempting it in front of strangers.
She inspired me. People like her teach things which no motivational videos and books teach us.
Life is a great teacher….truly!
Meeting people like her who are illiterates but educated about life and who know how to live happily, boosts up my energy and pulls me more towards finding the true meaning of life.
I wish to be like her at her age…full of life, smiles and enjoy life to the fullest with whatever I have despite life throwing anything at me.
Thank you. :-)

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