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What mades you upset

Most of the people believe in India is that seducer is man but woman can’t seduce man. This is extremely wrong perception. Woman can also seduce man. Woman can lure a man and prompt him to have sexual relations with her with her own free consent. If man need sex then woman also need it. It is extremely wrong to say that woman never think about sex.
Let’s look at our laws:

 So the law consider only woman as sufferer. IPC section 354(A) take care about will of woman but what about will of man ? If will of woman is important then will of man is equally important. How it can be assumed that perpetrator is men and victim is woman in every case ? If man can be lustful then woman can also be lustful.
If girl’s NO means NO then, guy’s NO means NO. Consent and will of both the genders are important.
The constitution talks about equality but we are far from equality. This is clearly discrimination based on the gender. This is contravention of fundamental rights of Indian men. It is high time that Parliament of India ponder over this issue and make these laws gender neutral.

I’ll not accept and tolerate any sort of misandry in the comment section. I am not generalizing woman. There is no way to justify the actions of offenders in above two incidents.

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