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What Do Indian's think about USA

My views are mostly formed from movies, television and news, I've never been to the US. But here it goes:-


  • Indians' view of USA is generally positive. In many ways Indians (and mostly the millennial generation Indians) find themselves more similar to US people than any of the neighbors in the subcontinent. The political value systems enshrined in the US and Indian constitution are quite similar - a secular democracy with egalitarian laws and culturally both India and USA have been multi-ethnic in nature with a large number of immigrants.
  • Cities are very clean and it is easy to find peace and quiet if someone wants to.


  • Very open minded social culture where dating and drinking is common. Of course this has also led to plethora of problems like high incidence of drug induced rapes, teenage pregnancies, alcohol problems, depression after break ups, high incidence of divorce etc.

  • In US most people make enough money to live comfortably, even people doing menial jobs like plumbing.

  • They have the best facilities in houses. Intercoms, piped gas supply, common washing machines, smoke detectors and fire alarms, intrusion detection, 24 hour electricity and drinking water supply throughout the country, bathrooms almost as big as Indian bedrooms, living rooms almost as big as Indian flats.. The list just goes on.

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