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Everyday Life

Thinking inside the box involves readily using the information stored in our brain cells (knowledge and experience) and taking decisions. Always the inbox thinkers are experts in playing spoilsport to new ideas and destroying the passion and the enthusiasm of innovative brains. They create a fear psychosis of failure and risks. They always prefer maintaining status quo. They are proud their past experience,knowledge and behave like a frog in the well. They advocate that a known devil is batter than unknown friend. They feel that there is no time for experimenting with new ideas and and no risk shroud be taken.They pay the deaf year to the well known proverb. "No pain no gain." Let us new look at wonderful description of "The Frog in the Well" 

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  1. If you want material wealth ,work it out; it will come to you.

  2. And if I want to attain to freedom, work it out on spiritual plane,🤟😋


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