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Karma is bitch, what I had done in past few years back it's now paying back to me. Some incidents we had done with my younger brother after death of my father. Mother was not ok with her health. My brother theft many itmes I demand for these. Lot of people curse us. My brother was totally innocent and I was so clever and selfish as always. Now me my brother mother all we are suffering from very bad time. Brother is mentally loss now, mom also, that why I can clearly say KARMA IS BITCH. Even though I urge my lord JNJ and JKNJ please show him right path. My brother was totally innocent at that the. I am responsible for those activities. PGSMF
My second  Part
A beautiful relationship. Both of us were good at studies, and managed the relationship well.
Soon, just before the main exams, she broke up citing that her mom wanted her to top, and for that she doesn't want relationship to bother her.
I was fully broken from inside. How could she do this to me? The main exam dawned in, and I gave in my best (post breakup anger).
On the result day, she was present with her mom, fully decked up. She was sure that she was the topper. I sat in the back row, while she was in the front row.
Slowly, the authorities started from bottom up, announcing the 10th ranker. It went on till 2nd ranker.
The elevated heartbeat scene.
“The first ranker is (my name)”.
She was mystified.
I rose up from the back row, walked up to the stage, with her angry eyes constantly over me.
My friends cheered, while she and her mom glared upon their disbelief.
She tried to contact me, but this time I chose to ignore it.
Even her mom knew about the past relationship, she also tried. I politely turned down the request, stating that your daughter showed me the happy side of my life.
It's not always good to give a second chance.
1.Yep, she didn't get the second or third rank because she'd scored somewhere around 72% and the merit list closed at 80%.
2. The main exams were the 12th standard exams.
3. Yep, the result was declared online, but the merit list is always kept secret in our college, and students are encouraged not to disclose it till the function. So, we knew our own marks, but not the rank.

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