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Story of Looser

No one is a loser until they accept defeat.... it seems like you believe that and that's where you are going wrong.

The way we perceive and believe in ourselves WILL always impact how we think, how we act and how we interact with others.

If you think and behave as if you can't do something.... trust me you won't be able to do it and other people wont even believe in your capability.

  • You should start believing in yourself I Know it sounds cliche but it works wonders. Wake up believing that you can change yourself for the better and act on it. Believe you are a capable person.....believe that you can make a difference.... believe that you can do it.
  • Actions speak louder than words Let me tell you one thing..... you can motivate yourself all you want...but in the end..it all lies in your actions...what you do. People here in quora will motivate you...others inspire you but what will you do about it?

I would advise you...to pick a task.... whatever task you want....but let it be a task in an area you are interested in. Start doing it and finish it to the end.

Why? When one finishes a task, there is this sense of achievement they feel. It would be nice for you to feel that.... so that it motivates you and makes you feel more capable and help you believe in yourself a little bit more.

  • Remember: Every day is a new chance to change your life. Your yesterday should not dictate your today.

What I mean is..... everyday is a chance to better yourself... and you should use that at your advantage..... sulking and feeling like a loser should not even be a part of your itinerary.... always try to do activities and stuff that will better you. Even if its saying hi to people you hardly talk to..... even if its doing ten push ups every mornng....saying a prayer to God..... smiling and being confident in yourself..... just do something to better yourself everyday.

I think the above are the most important... because if you dont believe in yourself....you will never achieve anything.

And you will never achieve anything if you only talk about it and never act on it.

If you fail....then try again.... the mistakes you made yesterday...try and correct them today.

I wish you all the best..... and I believe you are more capable than you think.... you just need to see it and believe in yourself.

God Bless you. You are a winner...start thinking and acting like one.

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