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Regrets of life


Well I think their biggest regret is that they did something to hasten their deaths and shorten their lives.
My mom told me she regretted ever started smoking. It was because she started at 18 years old and did it until 65. All those years she swore up and down that it was not going to kill her. Well Fast forward to 1994 when she got her first heart attack. That left her disabled for the rest of her life. She was in and out of hospitals mainly in the winter time which she had problems crop up. Then until about 2012 she started having more attacks. Still kept on smoking even after stents put in. Then in 2014 her brother dies from pancreatic cancer. We believe it was because he would drink liters of diet coke and eat more than a average person does. Which probably started his cancer. Which made her depressed and deteriorate quicker. Then in the end of 2018 after two years leaving the nursing home she dies from her CHF and ESRD.

 My guess is that people get dreams to do something amazing or ambitious but don’t pursue it with effort and tenacity…so the opportunity passes and they never pursue it again…They do remember it though and will regret “ the road not taken”for years following. This applies to careers, partners and education ,among other things. Sometimes parental support is lacking ,or the cost appears too much, but the dream is abandoned. But some folks do pursue their dreams,and willingly take on the cost, the risks, and persevere…..The question is what leads to such determination and risk taking? One thing I know is that parents can encourage dreaming and ambition from the earliest years,so their children feel there is support for daring new and difficult things…ie the family embraces challenges and pursuing dreams.and supports this in practical,realistic ways. Though there are many other reasons for regrets, family support is hugely helpful in reducing regrets. Similarly ,lack of parental support is a major limit on achieving dreams

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