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Passion for Humanity

Passion for Humanity 

I have seen some people who are happy to give happiness to others. They have such a great #PassionForHumanity. Whatever the condition is, they're always formost in serving humanity. These people are DSS volunteers
I've seen them serving mankind even during the lockdown time.

as much as your existence….this two makes you a real human being…passion for your dreams and carrier growth…provide meaning to life…bcoz progress is the path to happy life and for progress u must have goal and to achieve goal I have to develop passion …love is equally important to sustain relationships…to maintain a happy and understanding family…
Not very important. The most important things in life are based on what you value. Some people believe leaving a legacy is important. Others believe that enjoying the clean freshness of clothes washed with Tide are above all else. If you are wondering where to place importance in your life, try remembering, “If it’s got to be clean, it’s got to be Tide.”
Well, here goes an unexpected yet an extraordinary life incident. After reading this, I am sure that people will start believing in True Love.
Sometimes in life we generally choose our partners. Like you see someone and “Yes, I like her and i want to be with her.” This generally happens in your teenage life. You approach that person and if luck turns to your favor, you get that person in your life. But is this true love? Here it goes…
During my school days, I had a crush on this very beautiful girl. We both were in the same school, same class but our sections were different. Coincidentally, she used to live just right in front of the apartment in which I used to live. Soon, my friends came to know about her and then my dreadful days started as they used to tease me like anything whenever she used to pass by. It was just so embarrassing and I used to go and hide somewhere coz of my shyness. But to be true, I felt that she was my “True Love”. One day my friends approached her on my behalf and told her about my feelings for her. To my surprise, she agreed and for the first time it felt like I was in heaven. It was a dream come true for me as she was the one I was in love with and she loved me too. Everything was perfect for quite a while and then one day, we weren't together anymore. It was because we both committed few mistakes. I tried to apologise for it but she wasn't ready to accept it. Within two days, she moved on with another guy. Guess what? Within two days!! I couldn't believe what was happening. It was a nightmare for me. I knew that she loved me as much I loved her but how could she move on man?!
Later, from few of her friends, I got to know that the guy with whom she moved on, was her crush from the very beginning. Now they are together. I was completely broken! I was serious in the relationship but she wasn't. Her love for me was nothing but a Fake one. From that day onwards, I vowed that I won't even talk to any of the girls in my school or my college. I was so heartbroken. From that time on I hated the concept of ‘LoVe’. ( Yes, true love doesn't exist, that's what I used to think that time)
Fast forward to my Engineering Life…
For the past couple of years I didn't talk to any of the girls in my high school. The guy who used to be so cheerful and friendly, suddenly became cold. Everyone knew the reason.
I was waiting for my train to Bhubaneswar in the railway station. There were a lot of students(more than a thousand) and parents at the platform and it was heavily crowded that day as various engineering colleges were to start their session the very next day itself. Ignoring the crowd I stood at the platform waiting for the train to arrive. Nothing was exciting for me. I was in my own thoughts thinking about my past, thinking about my future but all that i was thinking was of ‘HER’!
Yes, still I was in love with her. I wasn't able to move on as easily as she did. More accurately, I didn't want to….. : ) The train was running late. I came out of my thoughts and talked with my father for a while. I went to buy a bottle of water and then……
I caught a glimpse of a girl on my way. Something happened at that moment…yes, something magical happened with me. I turned around to look at her again and yes, a strange feeling crept me. It was indescribable. I was thinking about my past love all this time and suddenly I stopped thinking about it. That girl was special…the one standing at the platform waiting for the same train…a future student of any of the colleges out of hundreds of colleges in Bhubaneswar. Thinking about this, I took my bottle and then I boarded my train after a while. All my way to my college, One thing was constantly running through my mind…. Since the past couple of years, I haven't had any feeling like this coz i had already lost interest in any of the girls…buy why did this happen to me? Why now? After a few minutes I put away these thoughts as it was unlikely for us(The girl at the platform and myself) to meet again in such a big city as Bhubaneswar. But still…I was thinking about her..
The very next day, my father and me arrived at my college and had to attend the orientation meeting which was to be held in an auditorium. The auditorium was quite big and it was really very crowded. Somehow we were able to find couple of seats and we sat there. It was completely a new journey for me. As I turned my head around the auditorium…. Guess what? SHE was sitting in the same column in which I was sitting. I was surprised. I guess I was quite happy too as I thought that we might have a chance to become friends. There were various branches of engineering such as ECE, CSE, CSIT, EEE etc. And each of the branches had a large number of students. I had opted for CSIT and it was quite unlikely for HER and me to end up in the same branch. Later that day, we were divided into sections namely section A - section H (i.e. 8 sections per branch).
Two days later, our classes started. I was late that day and the professor had already arrived. I was quite nervous too as I was away from my home for the very first time and it was a completely new life for me. I went to my classroom and asked for the permission to enter. The front rows were already filled and I had to make my way back to the last bench.
And here again…. It was HER. She was sitting on the opposite row staring right out of the window…lost in her own thoughts. It was like mother of coincidence that the girl who caught my attention at the railway platform, was in the same classroom. She was looking BEAUTIFUL….damn! I still remember that moment…that serene moment. It was magical. I fell for her…or rather I had already fallen for her at the railway station itself. I just realised it later.
As our semester progressed, she came to me and asked about my hometown. That was the first time we talked. And that was the only conversation for that day.
Slowly, we became friends…. We had fights, laughter, we started hanging out together and a year passed and we became best of friends. Yes, I was in love with her but didn't want to ruin our friendship and moreover I didn't want to be heartbroken again.
Fast forward to present….
She is my girlfriend now and its been a while. We are happy with each other and are always there together no matter what….She is the one…who made me get rid of my fears and sorrows…Wo stands by my side in my good as well as my bad times. Yes, we fight but our love grows much stronger and deeper day by day….I love her immensely and she does too :) We both have already met each others parents and we hope for a future together…she made me believe that TRUE LOVE exists.

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