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There are some draw backs of Tiktok According to a report, India users account in TikTok is around 25 per cent of the total downloads. It has a widespread presence all across India, especially in Tier-2 and Tier- 3 cities. India is seeking a ban on the app and India is not the first country to do that. Before India, countries like Indonesia went ahead and banned the app. Reasons for the  TikTok ban were pornography, inappropriate content, and blasphemy.” India is also facing the same problem.

Tiktok is misleading the youth as this app consumes your time.Let me explain if u didn't get it. In this app people shoot Cringe videos to get popularity(whether in a positive or a negative way,can be related to Dhinchak Pooja's story). So most of the youth think that instead of working hard and/or doing something creative in a good manner, they're getting fame(and subsequently money) very easily. But the harsh reality is that only a selected people become famous through this app(mostly in a negative way). From the girls point of view(I may be wrong here, so feel free to correct me!), most of the girls look at these so called Tiktok stars and think by imitating them they can become famous. No one has gained fame by imitating someone else. I think I answered your question, video very relatable about TikTok Impact in India.
Also, what else apart from entertainment can we derive from tiktok. And its ability to make videos superficial is also a kind of trick that derive a lot of users towards it which mainly consists of lower middle class or middle class youngsters whose priorities should have been to do something productive. They rather make and watch these tiktok videos imagining to be like the stars of tik tok one day(which has a really low probability.
am myself, a Full Stack Web Developer with almost 2+ years of experience. I never joined any institute, coaching classes, as such. I learned everything, I literally mean EVERYTHING that too for FREE. I never gave a single rupee to anyone to learn such things. I used my free time to learn some good skills, acquire them, and now planning to sell them in the market. This is time utilisation according to me.
When people were just changing their WhatsApp Statuses, I was busy learning HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap, PHP & MySQL. Still currently I am learning, Python as I am interested in general-purpose programming languages, instead of PHP, which is only used in server side scripts. I also know Linux commands. I am also automating many repetitive boring tasks, to reduce my work, and (then) relax.
I am writing on Quora because I want my writing skills to improve. I want to contribute everywhere from where I am taking anything. Let that be any open source project, or any profit-making website. I am free to contribute everywhere from wherever I will take something.
So, to conclude (and not going off the tracks): It is up to you. Change your life and get successful in life. Use TikTok for a limited time, if you want to use. I just don't recommend that, as there are good comedy shows on YouTube which you can watch(for entertainment and refreshment only, please don't waste time, it is very precious), After doing that, please LEARN SOMETHING SALEABLE!
Your images/videos/audios/files, contacts information, mobile numbers, internet data usage, etc. can be accessed by that app, as it will already ask for the permission and your privacy will be no more.
I am saying this because, Google can detect which app does these things, and may also warn you, or remove the app from Play Store. If you install it via, third party, chances are more that you may get hacked as there is no Google to protect you from these types of apps using their 99.99% bug free algorithm.

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