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Karma in Real life

Once I was traveling from Manali to Delhi in a volvo bus. Volvo bus is different from a regular bus because it has seats which can recline upto a certain limit for a relaxing ride.
Its seats look like this.
The price for the Volvo bus is somewhat higher than a regular bus because of the comfortable seats.
Two girls were sitting on my right and they brought their seats down completely for comfort. After one stop a family consisting of 2 old men and 2 women entered the bus and their seats were right behind those girls (They must have booked the seats from redbus or Paytm). The two uncles were sitting right behind the girls and it was difficult for them to enter the seat as all the leg room was occupied by the girls sitting in the front.
One of the men was quite tall and his legs were longer than an average person (lets call him T) and it was very uncomfortable for him to sit in the seat as there was very less leg space for him.
The men asked the girls to lift up their seats to which the girls got furious and kept of saying that “we have paid extra for this bus to have a comfortable ride, we will not shift”.
T asked the conductor to help him out and ask the girls to move their seat ahead to which girls told the conductor the exact same thing.
All the family members of started arguing with the girls about how indecent they are and how they are not respecting elders and how has some problems in his joints and it was difficult for him to sit, to which one of the girls said “are you traveling in a volvo for the first time? You should have known that the seats are like this only and I have all the rights to move my seats back as much as it can go, you should have booked a normal bus then”.
then switched his seat with one of the woman from his family who was sitting behind him.
After a couple of stops another man entered the bus(lets call him M) and his seat was right infront of the girls(next to the window).
Did I mention that one of the girl was overweight )
then moved his seat as much as it can go and that troubled the girl sitting behind him.
She asked him to move his seat to which he said that he has paid higher for this bus and these seats and he wants a comfortable ride.
She then started arguing again with to which he didn't reply and kept on relaxing and trying to sleep.
When the girls started saying harsh words like you have no respect for females and the seat is hurting me and you still wouldn't move it.
He turned and said the exact same words “are you traveling in a volvo for the first time? You should have known that the seats are like this only and I have all the right to move my seat back as much as it can go, you should have booked a normal bus then”.
started talking to his family saying “they are paying for their own deeds” .
Both the girls had a tough time during the entire journey.
(This is only a karma served right story)
Thanks Sonika for helping me to write this :-)

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