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How Google impact your life

According to me Technology changes our life
Does the world technology mean?
What do we now understand technology to mean? When we hear the term, we often think about innovations in the field of communications. Or we imagine visions of the future that are reminiscent of science fiction movies. With regard to everyday life, we automatically think about items that are powered by electricity and that, as a rule, tend to be complex. But technology doesn’t automatically have to be complicated. Simply put, we are always using technology when we use scientific knowledge to achieve a specific purpose, whether in industry or in our daily lives. From the discovery of the wheel to computers and from mp3 players to the latest technologies like self-driving cars, countless technological innovations have shaped daily life and will continue to influence it in the future.
What types of technology are there?
There are various types of technology. Basic technologies, as the name implies, are the basis of our industry. They have not only been tested in theory and in the laboratory but have also been put to use for years. Basic technologies include combustion engines, for example, as well as transistors and the power grid. Basic technologies are of utmost importance for industry and the economy. Ideally, a new technology will at some point establish itself as a basic technology. Key technologies are the key to further development in a particular technology sector. Key technologies are a focus of scientific research. They are studied enough to yield a practical application, but not to the point that all potential applications can be fully realized. Examples of key technologies include bioinformatics, image recognition and robotics, as well as solar power and hybrid technologies.
Pace making technologies are technologies that are not yet ready for use but are more than just visions for the future. They already have a practical application and can be developed further into key technologies. Pace making technologies are often tied to very high-risk investments. Examples of pace-making technologies include bioinformatics, gene technology and nanotechnology. Emerging technologies that are still in the research stage are called future technologies.

Key, pace making and future technologies are all called new technologies. They are essential to the continued development of society and to the competitiveness of businesses.

It then builds cards that will help you do those things better. For instance it'll tell you how long it will take to get to your next appointment. Or what the weather will be like at a destination you are about to leave to. Or when your next train will arrive.Here's Google's own explanation, from the page above: "It tells you today’s weather before you start your day, how much traffic to expect before you leave for work, when the next train will arrive as you’re standing on the platform, or your favorite team's score while they’re playing. And the best part? All of this happens automatically. Cards appear throughout the day at the moment you need them."Basically it's a new kind of search: one where you don't have to search. Your behavior causes these searches to happen predictability is the first of a new anticipatory kind of software. There are a lot more coming like this that look at your behavior and that will try to get ahead and assist you living your life. I know Facebook is working on stuff like this too.

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