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Google Local Guide (Google Map)

See what I've posted to Google Maps
Level 10 Local Guide
Well,being a local guide at Google can be quite advantageous for you in lot of ways.
Firstly How do u contribute to Google As A Local Guide:
Wdo you get from this???
Here’s what Google says:
“Each time you contribute, you earn points.
Those points help you reach higher levels of the Local Guides program.
At Level 4, you unlock your first Local Guides badge.
Higher levels also lead to special perks and early access to Google features.”
And Some Of The Examples include:
1)Getting Extra Free Storage space On Google Drive.
2)Be a Part of Google Hosted Workshops.
3)Get early access to Google Products, Even before relese.
4)Get a chance to be a part of Google Local Guide Summit at Googleplex.

Conclusion is 
Simply waste of time and energy.
Not only for lvl 10 bt for every lvl.

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