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How to use your Brain

Ques. - How to use your Brain?
Ans. - Think your Brain is Sexy.

Jokes apart..................
what you think..............................................?

Well, I think yes..  according to me minimize the thinking of unwanted things.
Life is very simple but we unnecessarily complicate it.
based on my experience.. I'm madly in a love with a geek guy who is intelligent(studying in India's
There is myth about brain which most of the people believes as true.65% of Americans believes that we use only 10% of the brain, not only common people even scientists believes that it is true but most of the components of our brain are active and works continuously by coordinating with each other.brain consists of billions of neurons which generates responses, emotions etc.
Things you should do to make your brain work properly are
And if I share one of my friends experience.. she was dating with a stylish, handsome guy... but he was dumb ass!

I feel that nothing in this world is more sexy than intelligence. We may go searching for someone we are attracted to physically, but finding someone to share a mental and intellectual connection with is a rare find, and a much better foundation on which to build a relationship.

learn to watch your thoughts and feelings moving as clouds moving on the sky. Never hold on to or try to push away any of your thoughts and feelings, for that would be a futile activity and at the end you will find yourself tired and defeated, because you having resisted these thoughts will surely are going to return back. That’s how our mind works!
As much as possible stay away from the negatives, whether it is emotional or physical.

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