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Does Prayer Work.

Prayer is extremely effective - just not for the reasons

While there may not be a supernatural being listening and taking action, your subconscious is listening. I’ve had countless experiences where I’ve “prayed” about a problem, and then soon-after had a solution land in my lap. When I was a Christian I might have said that God intervened. Now that I’m an atheist, I’d say that the fact that I had “prayed” about it meant that I noticed an opportunity that I might otherwise have missed.
Telling someone that you will pray for them doesn’t mean that you will speak some words to an imaginary being and then forget about them. It means that you will consider their problem one of the most important things you think about, and, while you may not know how to help them right now, you will look out for ways that you might do so in the future.

always chit chat with God. Finally, I pray like this: "God, please give me as many challenges as possible and make me a stronger woman and don't leave me alone. Give me the power to face all the challenges." I used to get lot of challenges. Hence, Prayer works.

For me, Prayer is a kind of meditation. I do pray to keep myself calm and composed. After praying to God, my restlessness vanishes and I become so cool.

The train was boarded by some trans women at one of the stations and they normally ask you for money and some people share and some do not prefer too. I didn’t see them but they clap. This is the way they let all the people in the train know that they were in the coach. I slipped my hand into my wallet and took out a 10 rupee note and kept it in a pocket which was easily accessible.
Indian sleeper coaches, have two seats on one side and 6 on the other. There is no privacy. I was on the side with two and at the lower bed, lying to the side facing the aisle with my upper body resting on one hand and the other had a phone and my head glued to it and waiting, expecting for a person around the age of 30 to approach me for some money.
But I saw through the sides of my phone children’s pants, a girl standing infront of me. I immediately understood she was with them and without saying a word, I sat up, pulled out the note and handed it to her.
She did something unbelievable. She placed her hand on my head and prayed super fast, some mumbling, and told me that I was going to do good in my coming exam. She could never have got to know about this exam with the company. It was over in a seconds.
I forgot about her, and reached the last station, met other friends, looked for an student’s residence, looking forward for our first day tomorrow.
We all reached, finished our formalities and were instructed to move to a bigger room with many computers. And we were instructed that we had a test to do. All 120 of us.
We finished our test in an hour or half and I was simply surfing through websites on the machine. And I saw other professionals coming to me and asking whether my name is so and so. I got surprised, that the people were so friendly and that they were interested in being friends with me. This happened three or four times. They just came to my desk, and said “Are you ladiesman217”, I said yes. They just murmured something which I couldn’t understand and left. Until the fourth or fifth guy was kind enought to tell me that I topped the exam. I thought these guys were playing a joke on me.
Apparently everyone received an email with the results and I didn’t have an internet connection on my phone so I was the last person to know about them and every other 119 recruits knew my name.
The mentors too.
That’s my story, A little short but I do believe in the prayer and faith of that small girl.

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