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Origin of Coronavirus Covid-19

In this lockdown period I became a good writter as my perspective😆. Go to social media you can get thousands of Meena and jokes on China and Coronavirus. Google, Facebook, YouTube become highest searching sites for Corona virus and treatment. 

Now I'll come to point China is fully responsible spreading Corona Virus. I found this on Twitter and it pretty much sums up everything .

So yes, covid 19 originated in China, but it could have been from a lot of different countries. And, before anyone criticizes China too much, observe the swift and decisive steps they took for containment. Now most of the world is under quarantine, but just a month ago, everyone thought only an autocratic government could enforce a quarantine. Now we all realize it is the only way.
So did those countries make the necessary preparation in term stocking of masks, protective suits and ventilators and drew up the contigency plan in the event the virus attack them too?
No, they did nothing because they were busy bashing China and making fun of China with massive schadenfreude. They laughed and laughed in venomous glee until the virus came to them and now they are choking holding on to dear life.

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