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After Corona-Virus Covid-19 Outbreak

I am quite sure Trump will win the upcoming election in a landslide, even if elections are delayed.

2020 and to a less extent 2021 are likely to be rough years for the economy, but the years after will be some of the best in a generation. 
The means of production are more or less unaffected, so the only contest will be over ownership. This will be an extraordinary recovery; 2022 and 2023 are looking to be very good years.
There will be a significant change in consequence of the pandemic though. The change pertains to Europe, the homeland of Western civilization. The EU will find it increasingly difficult to sustain itself. Nations in Europe now realize that in times of crisis, the solidarity of the EU (and more generally the so-called Free World) proves to be very fragile, and they are on their own. Meanwhile, they may seek help from countries outside the Free World, such as China and Russia. Therefore, European countries will rethink the nature of the EU or the West. This change is of course part of the global trend, in which the world is moving towards a multi polar world or a world of nation-states.
Its ironic that China , the country that started the pandemic is starting to return to normal life , whilst the rest of the world is still suffering the fallout. Will the industrialist nations take revenge on China , not a hope . In fact car sales are already started to rise, expert opinions are that families are buying an extra car whilst the price is cheap. Citizens in Europe ( except Germany ) and the United States will not be able to afford a second car as most will have lost their job. I read recently that in the USA company CEO’s are paid over 300 times more then the average worker, personally I find that not just disgusting but criminal. What adds salt to the wounds is that whereas the pleb pays 12% total tax , the mega rich are getting away with 5%. A prominent economist said in a seminar that governments allowing companies to move their business to China and other east Asian countries failed to realize that their own citizens jobs would be lost . the west has forgotten one principle , Charity begins at home.

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