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A Father

My Father was not a very communicative person. My mother frequently despairs over this. He is not a person who tells his kids that he loves them.
His love was visible in the smallest of things and I have to think about those things for a long time before I realize what he did was actually because he loves me.
You know how girls are daddy's little princess. Well some of us are lucky that this is pretty much true.To have a dad whom you can talk to whenever you are in any spot of trouble is a relief and gods send!
So I will highlight a couple of incidents to give you a peek into the ‘’Awesomeness’’!
I was a kid, in grade 2. Got back home from school with a couple of bruises. Parents got worried, called my Teacher and that was that. Well my dad wasn’t very sure about what the teacher would do. So the next day he decided to drop by and take a look. Those days schools let parents stroll around without many questions. My dad ambled over to our class and Lo and Behold! A huge crowd of kids was cheering someone on. My dad went in worried and one scrawny little kid jumped out and hid behind him, pleading with him to save his dear life. My dad was taking stock of the situation when out came his son from the commotion, a leather belt in hand, ready to pound the ‘’bruise giver’’ further! It freaked my dad out! He got me to calm down and by that time our Teacher arrived as well. She scolded me and that kid and told my dad that she had the situation in control! And that should have been the end of the matter!
Well not so for my dad. He called me over, took me aside and asked me why in the gods name I was hitting the kid. Well he and another guy had been bullying me and I wanted to end my suffering! Dad told me that violence is not a solution to anything. He called that boy and asked me to apologise and shake hands. I was so angry at this that hot tears began rolling down but he made me do it anyway. I wish i could say that the kid and I are best buddies now, trying my best to recall his name! Kids I tell you!
Fast forward to December of the Year 2012! I was about to get married. In India, marriage is a huge occasion! We had about 200 guests flying in etc. It is very difficult to keep your cool and I am not very good with tact. Anyway in the events leading to my D-Day I had a big brawl with my girl friend (now my wife!). I screamed so hard that my throat went hoarse. Now she hates screaming and since it was so loud she began crying and shivering. All this happened at my place, my parents were in the other room, extremely worried. However, they didn’t intervene. I made up for all my idiotic behavior later and the matter ended.
I and my dad both are late nighters, so I was in my room reading when he came in, it was past midnight. He told me that if this was the way I was going to treat my girl friend now and post marriage, I should rather abandon the idea. If I couldn’t keep my cool in situations and had no respect for the girl then she didn’t deserve this. He told me of a day, roughly 22 years back, when he had been sacked. We were a family of 4 then(Grandparents,Mum,Dad and I), my mother was pregnant with my sister and dad was the sole bread winner. We hardly had any savings back then to see us through. It was January, my birthday’s eve and when he got back home Mom told him that they needed to buy me a present! Also we were expecting some guests so more money was needed. Some bills had to be paid off etc! The gist being, an ordinary man might just have shot off a volley of not so nice words. Dad took it all calmly, didn’t tell her a thing about his job, and did all the things Mom had asked him to!(Eventually he got an even better Job!)
What he wanted to impress upon me was that getting married and having a family of your own is a tremendous responsibility. A man, according to him, has a responsibility to keep them happy, secure and treat them with respect at all times. And he expected his son to get in those shoes pretty soon. By the time he was done I was ready to cry! But he made some light hearted banter, asked me to have a drink and went off. I don’t know what my actions would have been, had i been in his place,but well he is a Superman!

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